Final round interviews

base is a max of 70 but more like 62-65 and they are not exactly sure how bonuses are going to work. no answers can be given and in fact no answers can be given as to why they are actually interviewing without a GAURANTEE of winning in court

everything is pushed back

received a phone call on friday stating i was the lead candidate and need to wait a week or so for the offer. I was told the number would be 70 during the final interview with 2 senior mgmt.

Are they hiring more experienced reps or less. I have 3 years pharma and did not make the final round interview with the RM. Was given no feedback so I am just curious about reps that made it through.

Are they hiring more experienced reps or less. I have 3 years pharma and did not make the final round interview with the RM. Was given no feedback so I am just curious about reps that made it through.

From what I saw it was a mixture, but base salary plays a large part. I also made it to Bethesda, but not to the Regional Manager. I'm not very broken up about it, this company seems like it's not ready for primetime.

I did make it to the RD and National Sales Manager, and I agree with the above-post-not at all ready for Prime Time, and the Senior Management seems to be Micro Managing the hiring process-and focussed on the wrong qualifications that will make for a successful team.

I am not sure what they are looking for either bust many of the positions that they interviewed for were posted again on Medzilla on Saturday. I find it hard to believe that none of the people in maryland last week were not qualified