Assume the 1200 out of 3400 VTP eligible took the VTP and the proposed RIF number was max 2900 employees. Does this mean that the final RIF number would be 2900-1200=1700?
Bob said a majority of the RIFs would happen in 2014 so I'm expecting another 2899 in 2015.
Outsourcing business services is not a RIF so any of that would be in addition to your 2899.
If BOB wants to go from 18,000 to 500, this is a way to do it.
See Vizcaino v. Microsoft, 1996 or wiki Permatemp worker.Slowly transitioning individuals to green badges. Those people don't show up on RIF head count. If I'm doing the same exact job but as an employee of a CW org how am I not an employee of Amgen( by legal definition of employee)?