Final Interview

Nervous in CA

What is the final face to face interview like? heard rumors of role playing? Headed to final in CA and heard from current rep w/ Prometheus that it can be tough. Anyone want to ofer advice or insight? Thanks

I had heard it could be really tough too but mine wasn't so bad. No role playing on my final but I think there usually is. Not sure why I didn't have any! Good luck!

Truly, think about other industries.

Follow other threads on this Board.

The industry is a mess. Jobs are going away...

Avoid the drama before you even join.

Best of luck to you!

If any of you get hired please come back on later and tell us about your "experience" with PL...

Life is way, way to short and time is to precious to spend it at this little pathetic company. The only reason anyone working here has done so for over 3 to 6 months is because they are stuck due to the economy. Like another poster said, look at other industries for your own sakes.

As should be- praise for this great company!!
Aye, Prometheus, the places we've been to, the stories you tell!
Aye, Prometheus, we sing to your spirit, the men who have served you so long and so well!