Did all Lilly DMs do away with field visit follow up notes to reps or is it just the St. Louis Cardio DM?
Then why do the DMs expect us to prepare a state of the union address for them when they get into our car? Once in the car it's usually a day for them to catch up on email, voice mail, send jokes to their buddies, play with their i-phones, etc, then leave early so they can head to the gym to workout. Why the double standard?
That seems to be the trend with the newer DMs these days. They want the title and the dollars that accompany the title, but don't want to invest the time to get to know their team and help their sales reps to be more effective and efficient in the field. My DM cuts out after lunch in order to get to the gym before he goes home and tells his wife how hard he worked that day. And when it comes to field visit follow up notes...he has us write them ourselves in the car before he leaves for the day so he doesn't have to be burdened with doing his job at home. Just one more example of why this company is in trouble.