field service engineer position avail. East coast


any current or former employees at ISI???

hours, culture, travel, etc??
greatly appreciated...
I looking to enhance my experience with electromechanical systems, etc.
working in the field over 10years.


I have been a Field Engineer with Intuitive for over 5 years.
It is a hard but very rewarding job as you must learn the robot and be able to provide excellent customer service. If you have the skills and proof of experience, you can command a good salary. I would recommend reaching out to other Field Engineers thru LinkedIn.
I wish I could give you more guidance because I have been in field service for over 20 years and this is the best job by far for me. This board has become a place for people wanting to make money from the stock price going down and is not a good barometer of working conditions. There appears to be allot of bitter former employees on this board and it is too bad that they have so much time to bad mouth a former employee. I am grateful for all my former employers because they are how I got to where I am today. Let me repeat, I am not in sales so I can only speak from my perspective.

in a follow up to the above post, i have created a temporary email address so if you want to contact me I will keep the account open thru the weekend and then delete it to avoid the spam. Feel free to contact me at olsen4300 at tds dot net