Field Sales Update CC

an update in regards to.....???

I really shouldn't disclose this but what the heck! It's all about wave 3 of the EDGE platform, better known as I-ANAL Connect. Essentially all members of the field sales force will need to schedule an appointment with an approved GI physician. A colonoscopy will be performed at which point a probe will be inserted into all of our asses. This probe will place a small tracking device which will allow corporate to track the exact verbage we utilize during our sales calls as well as our location. All field sales representatives will need to have their anal probes completed by no later than 6/01/2011. Upon arriving to the NSM in Las Vegas in June an Astellas HR representative will conduct an on the spot rectal exam of all employees to ensure proper placement of the tracking device. There will be lube available prior to this rectal exam for those parties interested. Greetings from Deerfield!!!

I really shouldn't disclose this but what the heck! It's all about wave 3 of the EDGE platform, better known as I-ANAL Connect. Essentially all members of the field sales force will need to schedule an appointment with an approved GI physician. A colonoscopy will be performed at which point a probe will be inserted into all of our asses. This probe will place a small tracking device which will allow corporate to track the exact verbage we utilize during our sales calls as well as our location. All field sales representatives will need to have their anal probes completed by no later than 6/01/2011. Upon arriving to the NSM in Las Vegas in June an Astellas HR representative will conduct an on the spot rectal exam of all employees to ensure proper placement of the tracking device. There will be lube available prior to this rectal exam for those parties interested. Greetings from Deerfield!!!

OMFG! - Hilarious!!! You're just a ham!!!!!!!!!!!

Who was the complete WHACK JOB Woman towards the end of the conference call today who sounded as if she was going to cry over loosing her GSK counterparts? WOW!! Why didn't you save us the 10 minutes of story telling and come out and say that you have been riding the coat tails of your GSK partners in the PCP offices for several years and now you are going to be SCREWED? I bet Rytel was smashing his head against the wall having to listen to her complain until he finally shut her down as PC as possible. The best business model would be to keep specialty reps calling on Uros/OBGYN's and the PCP reps calling on only PCP's. That would reveal that half of the PCP sales force couldn't sell pussy on a troop train!! Sorry if the thruth hurts or offends the other half who are good reps.

What exactly about that call was "urgent"? We're ditching GSK. We could've done that 2 yrs ago and I wouldn't have noticed. The real story from this call...Sumavel lives!?

What a joke. Vesicare is a managed care and relationship sell. If you have those, you win. If you don't you lose. All work, all are in the same class. Without GSK and their relationships, we will see decline in business. My GSK reps spent major budget money to sell this drug. That is gone.