Field excellence position


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What exactly does this job entail?
Do these people carry a bag?
Do they get bonuses?
Is this a work from home position?
Who gets put in these positions?
Who are the people responsible for these positions?
Are these positions reserved for special northbrook people?
Do these people have company vehicles?
How many of these people exist?
Is this part of compliance?
Why do we have such little knowledge about this job?

Was this job ever posted?
What exactly does this job entail?
Do these people carry a bag?
Do they get bonuses?
Is this a work from home position?
Who gets put in these positions?
Who are the people responsible for these positions?
Are these positions reserved for special northbrook people?
Do these people have company vehicles?
How many of these people exist?
Is this part of compliance?
Why do we have such little knowledge about this job?
You have little knowledge of this job for the same reasons you have no knowledge of our BD and access strategies: you bring little value, you lack the necessary skills, and your on a career hamster wheel.

I know this is like a teachers pet job. Handed out in the cover of darkness by people who are under the microscope for terrible leadership.. I know nothing else about it.

You have little knowledge of this job for the same reasons you have no knowledge of our BD and access strategies: you bring little value, you lack the necessary skills, and your on a career hamster wheel.

I understand that home office sees very little value in the field, especially as of late. I also know that the individuals in the field excellent positions at no fault of their own created an alliance with very unpopular people. The bad in this is the alliance was created out of home office. The field doesn't stand a chance for promotion nor growth. Like another post said, I also know multiple sales people that have been here for years who haven't received 1 level promotion, but we have field excellent positions.

I understand that home office sees very little value in the field, especially as of late. I also know that the individuals in the field excellent positions at no fault of their own created an alliance with very unpopular people. The bad in this is the alliance was created out of home office. The field doesn't stand a chance for promotion nor growth. Like another post said, I also know multiple sales people that have been here for years who haven't received 1 level promotion, but we have field excellent positions.

hey big cheese….you said a whole lot but have no idea about anything regarding this position