Fidia Contract

Stay away more than 50% of the reps are going to get zero bonus for the 3rd QTR.
Its higher than 50% but we dont have the exact number. So if you want to work for just base pay then this is the job for you.

Don;t know much if anything about this contract.
Is pdi actively accepting applications or is it just a possibility of a contract for pdi?
I looked for openings in the state I am in and the only ones are still the 821750 contract which is getting closure.


The word is that out 4 regions/districts only 25 % of the sales force will get 3rd QTR BONUS. Yes I know there are 6 districts. So if you are looking to apply dont the quotas are total BS!!!

Most of us are doing everything we can to keep our customers from ordering until 2013. This way we may have a chance at bonus in 2013. We are also praying Fidia has NO idea what is going on with the US sales force!!!!!!!!

The upcoming January meeting is going to determine how bad or good this company is to work for in 2013!!!

No Bonus and a low base salary!! My Christmas Sucked only had $100.00 to spend on family and friends!! Oh and I have no funds for tonight, New Years Eve. Lots of invites from friends to go do things, but I cant afford even a $ 30.00 dinner.

2013 Starting off with a bang!!!! Tears are rolling down my face!!! NO Joke

I hope the bosses and owners have a Great Night!!!!

Should I apply? Are they going to stay with PDI or bring reps on board?
Go ahead and apply. We will be able to tell you more after the goals are announced at the POA in early January. You won't get an offer before then. Goals last year were based on faulty data and management had no idea what the situation really was in any given territory. Hopefully, this year goals for each territory will be set more realistically.

Where and When will the meeting be over? I will have a good shot at it but I am in sales to earn bonus, What's the rep left rate of contract to date. How are manager's attitudes? Read amount some already.