Feedback on Peripheral Vascular Division


Looking for honest feedback on the peripheral vascular division. How's the culture? Could Lutonix be a game changer? Are most reps coming in at plan? Thanks in advance!

Looking for honest feedback on the peripheral vascular division. How's the culture? Could Lutonix be a game changer? Are most reps coming in at plan? Thanks in advance!

I'm interested in getting some feed back on this division as well. Wondering why Lutonix would be considered a "game changer" at this point, since it's been on the market since 2014 and Medtronic has also introduced a DCB. Has there been a change in the Lutonix technology or expansion of indications?

Run for you life. Don't respond to another recruiter (they have 1) talking about this stepping stone company. Your welcome. Come back and thank me. Hopefully they are telling you that well over half the people in each division did not make goal last year. So they made oh.$100K. Yeah.......I bet they left that out.

Run for you life. Don't respond to another recruiter (they have 1) talking about this stepping stone company. Your welcome. Come back and thank me. Hopefully they are telling you that well over half the people in each division did not make goal last year. So they made oh.$100K. Yeah.......I bet they left that out.

Seriously ask the recruiter for a copy of the end of year rankings. If they say more than half the reps in each division made goal make them prove it. I can post a picture of the year end ranking here for each division if Bard would like to have that information out there.

Seriously ask the recruiter for a copy of the end of year rankings. If they say more than half the reps in each division made goal make them prove it. I can post a picture of the year end ranking here for each division if Bard would like to have that information out there.

Please post that picture.

Run for you life. Don't respond to another recruiter (they have 1) talking about this stepping stone company. Your welcome. Come back and thank me. Hopefully they are telling you that well over half the people in each division did not make goal last year. So they made oh.$100K. Yeah.......I bet they left that out.

I received a call from a recruiter and he was harshly honest about this position. He said most reps made around 120k. A few might have been close to 200k but that it wasn't the job it use to be.

Last year:
The #1 rep made over $400K last year
The top 10 averaged $310K
The bottom 10 averaged $148K
The overall average was $205K
These figures do not count Optimum
Great reps make great money at Bard PV
Lazy reps do not

The recruiter is telling the truth.
The last two posts are from managers.

Very true on that and they are only repeating what is told to them. Some sort of fuzzy math is put together and then the information is told to the managers. They aren't allowed to think for themselves so they just suck it down.

It is true that the top rep probably made 400 and also true that the next 9 in the rankings made above 275 unless they were brand new but it is fuzzy math in the bottom half, just ask the people that left or are on their way out. Or ask for a list of the rankings and call the bottom half (ask them to exclude the optimum because you'll never see it) and they probably asked for yours so why can't you ask for theirs?