Feedback......Here's where to send it


Saw this link on LinkedIn. It's a survey that looks like it will go directly to Denmark (let's hope).

WHAT THE…oh, you people are in for a rude awakening. As nasty as this sounds, I'm actually going to enjoy the pruning over next two years. Yes, I may be cut, but my businesses will keep us humming at the same lifestyle. You self absorbed tools are in for a slap in the face!

If you're crying about this little snip-snip, how will you handle the 25-33% cut (6 months after they addure us at the national POA that we are "right sized" for the future).

WHAT THE…oh, you people are in for a rude awakening. As nasty as this sounds, I'm actually going to enjoy the pruning over next two years. Yes, I may be cut, but my businesses will keep us humming at the same lifestyle. You self absorbed tools are in for a slap in the face!

If you're crying about this little snip-snip, how will you handle the 25-33% cut (6 months after they addure us at the national POA that we are "right sized" for the future).

Fuck you. Spoken as someone who wasn't "snipped". Enjoy your wine bottles this Christmas fucker. Just let us vent ok. This sucks for us. We'll get over it but a week out it sucks and it's still raw. If you can't get that, I hope you will next snipping.

Give him credit though. He at least has a backup plan. I hope you all got one. No one can say for sure if there will be more cuts. But the odds usually aren't in your favor after the first shakeup.