Y'all need to quit attacking the people that sign your pay checks. They could shut that plant down and not lose a nights sleep. Probably even save money at the end of the day. They choose not to because they understand there are a few select people who care about the success of Nephron and that there are hard working employees that they could do without but keep them on because they care . The ones looking out for themselves and only themselves are like cancer, if it's not cut out, it will continue to spread. All of your bitching and moaning about the terrible philosophy and ethics of this company is getting redundant. Quit blaming the person making it possible for you to pay for your internet bill which allows you to post on this ridiculous website. Try taking accountability for your actions, who you hire, and above all your petty differences and terrible communication. It's not the owners responsibility to hold your hand and babysit every aspect of operations. If you don't like how things are being run, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. If you're not in a position to make necessary changes, get yourself in one. Quit making excuses, they're like ass holes, everyone has one and they stink. Get on the same team for Christ's sake and put some pride in your work. Quit blaming the owners for your failure to take initiative, it's not they're job to micro manage. That's what they pay you upper management people what I'm sure are highly undeserved exuberant salaries for.
Y'all want to sit around and point fingers playing the blame game...here's a proposition, do your job, if you fuck up own up and figure out how to make sure it doesn't happen again. AND MOVE FORWARD