FDA is coming Saga



Minion: MR VP what shall we do to prepare for them?

MR. VP: "Lets put a sweet traffic cone and separate a parking spot for the FDA"

minion: OOOH so smart VP, I wish I wold have thought of that...but I only have a college degree....

FDA is Coming-Chapter II

MInion: Sir the Sweet Traffic cone is up and ready to go.

MR. VP: Excellent. Now I will try to sleep with the FDA inspector Woman, to have her be on our side.

MINION: but sir dont you...ahh I mean play for the other... You play catcher for.. ahhh ahem...

MR. VP: STOP with this baseball metaphor minion and help get SEXXYY for the FDA inspector...

Minion: Sir, here is the Loafer Lightner you requested.

MR. VP: Quiet You! I am thinking you fool. I must fool the FDA into thinking, that I think that they think, that I know what I am doing running this place. ...... Come on 13 days of Air Force experince dont fail me now...

Minion: Sir how about you send a speech on how commited you are to steering the Nephron ship through this dark times?

Mr VP: Excellent Idea. I will tell them about my rise to VP. From Swabbing the Deck, to Cabin Boy, back to swabbing the deck, and then finally to Captain of this Ship.

Minion: Sir just to confirm you did say deck? Right?

Mr. VP: OF Course I did you Idiot. ()

Minion: Mr. Director, Mr. VP says the FDA will be here in any minute. What do you need me to do?

MR. Director: (in a schwarzenegger accent) Uggrrrraahhh...no...no GET DOWN...GET DOWN.

Minion: Get down? Why Mr. Director

MR. Director: (in a schwarzenegger accent) Because Ve are Se same size, I don't want them to think I am he! (Bending down as he walks down the hallway)

Minion: Uhh, ok Mr. Director...look, here comes MR. VP.

MR. VP. (Bending down as he walks down the hallway) Mr. Director, the FDA official is here, can you send someone to get her--I have to--ummm--use the little girls--i mean--boys room.

MR. Director: (in a schwarzenegger) Vhat? FDA? Minion, Huryy...GET TO THE CHOPPA!!! Ugggrrrahhhh!

Finally!!! they have arrived. cannot wait to see the 'exec's' start lying about stuff the FDA already knows to be true! when the fda starts pulling on all those loose strings the threads are going to unravel faster than a certain owners redneck accent after a few drinks! that crack quality department made up of a unqualified lifeguard, a unqualified son of the worst hr person in history, an even more unqualifed belly dancer and a almost qualified yes man will be exposed. saw that troll looking guy from hq over here yesterday too with that trashy chic and the oblivious interns so they all must trying to cover up something as ususal. well good luck getting out of this one, lol

Really? This is awesome news! I heard that leadership is seriously lacking there now. The finger pointing and managers wearing tire tread on their backs from the buses that frequently run you over usually starts on Thursday (4 days in) so look for the skid marks. Can't wait to see your post then. I hope they fall hard this time.

Nephron has screwed over so many undeserving people and promoted so many underqualified people it is ridiculous so I too hope they finally get called onto the carpet by the FDA like the classless hicks they are! Now I know why they sent out that internet policy disclosure trying to get people to stop posting the truth out their shade tree ways. The clueless owner and her idiotic management team are probably putting more emphasis on who is posting on this site than the quality of the product they are manufacturing. Truth is doo doo bird, you could never find out who we are because no one around you has any alliegence to you past a paycheck, and I mean NO ONE. I smile at you all the time as long as every other friday your check doesn't bounce. You really do keep your enemies close lol...I love that these post drive you crazy!

the tension here is so thick you can cut it with a knife and it's only been two days and we've been preparing for this for months! quality and batch record review are over there going nuts and b2 is even worse because there are like two lines running lmao!

Helloooooo - Hellooooo - Helloooooooo. Anyone still there? Did they find you out and put you in nephron cafepharma posting jail? Was the original poster blamed and fired on day 4 of the fda inspection? Please update those of us who are luckily on the outside these days.

Dont count your chickens before they hatch. Last night I mailed an interesting envelope of paperwork to the FDA. So they know were to look. That what happens when my boss F'ing pissing me off, so now we can blame things on her.

By tomorrow afternoon, just when you think you inspection will be closing... BAM! an other week or two....

Best inspection in Nephron history and you think it is due to the vp that was nothing but a puppet to the slighty more qualified vp that got fired? lmbo he has been the lone vp for all of 3 weeks and none of his polici were the reason why. you and him are clueless, it's the calm before the storm buddy :) cheers!

If Lou is on here looking through all of the messages I can't believe she isn't correcting all the poor use of the english language and the spelling. I also find it hard to believe she hires such idiots and is tolerant of them posting on this site. That is not the Lou I worked for

Y'all need to quit attacking the people that sign your pay checks. They could shut that plant down and not lose a nights sleep. Probably even save money at the end of the day. They choose not to because they understand there are a few select people who care about the success of Nephron and that there are hard working employees that they could do without but keep them on because they care . The ones looking out for themselves and only themselves are like cancer, if it's not cut out, it will continue to spread. All of your bitching and moaning about the terrible philosophy and ethics of this company is getting redundant. Quit blaming the person making it possible for you to pay for your internet bill which allows you to post on this ridiculous website. Try taking accountability for your actions, who you hire, and above all your petty differences and terrible communication. It's not the owners responsibility to hold your hand and babysit every aspect of operations. If you don't like how things are being run, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. If you're not in a position to make necessary changes, get yourself in one. Quit making excuses, they're like ass holes, everyone has one and they stink. Get on the same team for Christ's sake and put some pride in your work. Quit blaming the owners for your failure to take initiative, it's not they're job to micro manage. That's what they pay you upper management people what I'm sure are highly undeserved exuberant salaries for.

Y'all want to sit around and point fingers playing the blame game...here's a proposition, do your job, if you fuck up own up and figure out how to make sure it doesn't happen again. AND MOVE FORWARD

Hey person who posted at 1:38 AM. The correct use of the word is their. Your sentence " it is not they're job" is incorrect. If you are going to post something where you are high up on the soap box make sure you double check your grammar

Wrong again, I don't work for Nephron. If I did I wouldn't be bitching on some anonymous website. I'd be addressing the issues with management that precipitate to the lower level employees (preached from upon my "soap box" of course). NOT pointing the finger at the owners and everyone else. I have no qualms with Nephron, only the inadequacies of the people calling the shots in daily operations. What's sad is if I were a handle deep at your company, I would STILL do your job unequivocally better for half the pay. I don't even need to know what department you're in...though I do. And It's called pride in your work, and here's a stretch as to why I'm not bitter like everyone else that posts.... ACCOUNTABILITY! If you took the time and effort you spend on this site and put it towards a solution ....imagine how much better off your company might be (soap box). Otherwise do everyone a favor, and find the top floor of a nice skyscraper in downtown Orlando (I recommend the courthouse), and take a leap of faith. I believe in you.