FDA approves drugs based on quality studies


I have a question for any novartis employee who has an honest answer (I know that will be difficult).
I would like to know why the marketing department thought it would be valid, appropriate, and respectable to create a sell sheet which includes charts from two different studies that you didn't complete yourself?
Surely you guys would have first read all pertinent information from each study and realize that the study designs were/are flawed! Neither study holds water in the eyes of educated DVMs, so what made you guys feel that the results would look any better on your brochure?

Try this ... Complete a peer reviewed, double blinded study with 600 fleas on each dog with several different groups of dogs, for a period of 90 days. Examine each dog for fleas every 5 days. Inspect every dog for signs of FAD, alopecia, pruritus, pyoderma, and make some more charts for your brochures.

Could you actually show a better result than Comfortis? My bet as a clinician is NO! Your products don't kill fleas, which allows fleas to eat blood meals all day, every day . . . and all night too. Yuk!

Congratulations to Elanco for getting it right. Trifexis is now the leading product in our clinic, we switched from Comfortis.

Our brochures are the best. We are so creative and innovative, the fools will cry all day and stumble. Who cares about that brochure. I didn't waste my time with it anyways.

We are going to rock this party with our new flea product. We have guarantees with the key distributors and with the loyalty program, we will bundle our blockbuster sentinel and crush Multi, Trisexis, Revlution, etc.

Look out cuz we are on firrrrrrrrrre.

Our brochures are the best. We are so creative and innovative, the fools will cry all day and stumble. Who cares about that brochure. I didn't waste my time with it anyways.

We are going to rock this party with our new flea product. We have guarantees with the key distributors and with the loyalty program, we will bundle our blockbuster sentinel and crush Multi, Trisexis, Revlution, etc.

Look out cuz we are on firrrrrrrrrre.

Key distributors? Last time I checked Butler Schein has declined to carry or support this wonderful Seargents generic fipronill b.s. that you'll be giving away in order to try to salvage shitentil.

Face it, we're screwed. Merial and Butschein will squash our new topical before it leaves the shipping docks. Remember the Alamo . . . Or in this case, the generic rimadyl. Big pharma has it's way of protecting it's molecule. Merial will use Pfizers play book, and we will be holding tonnage of product that won't ship ... Pun intended.

Face it, we're screwed. Merial and Butschein will squash our new topical before it leaves the shipping docks. Remember the Alamo . . . Or in this case, the generic rimadyl. Big pharma has it's way of protecting it's molecule. Merial will use Pfizers play book, and we will be holding tonnage of product that won't ship ... Pun intended.

"it's way?" it is way? Are you more stupider than the red-headed pot belly? Boy, are we so afraid to comment on this phony vet turned VP? He has everyone snowed with his little Memorial Day voicemails telling us to love our family, friends, etc. Does anybody see he is the reason we are losing the battle in the HW war, the NSAID war, etc? We need a person from sales leading us, please... ANYONE???

Face it, we're screwed. Merial and Butschein will squash our new topical before it leaves the shipping docks. Remember the Alamo . . . Or in this case, the generic rimadyl. Big pharma has it's way of protecting it's molecule. Merial will use Pfizers play book, and we will be holding tonnage of product that won't ship ... Pun intended.

"it's way?" it is way? Are you more stupider than the red-headed pot belly? Boy, are we so afraid to comment on this phony vet turned VP? He has everyone snowed with his little Memorial Day voicemails telling us to love our family, friends, etc. Does anybody see he is the reason we are losing the battle in the HW war, the NSAID war, etc? We need a person from sales leading us, please... ANYONE???

Easy there spell checker Nazi! I bet you are a real treat to work with! Chill out.

Too bad all studies are not required to be conducted to FDA standards. You cheap shot studies against your competitors are dumming you down to sub standards never imagined. Fools.