the goal with forest is to sell more at any cost not compliance. thats why there are sales ranks of who can outsell the next person. there is not not will not be balance when there is money to be mde and you are told on a daily basis you need to sell the doctor harder to prescribe more. i think 90% of forest comp is based on who sells the most and not on giving the correct and full information. the sales materials are the same across the nation, if there is no differences how can one team win always. its the same information for each team and person, oh one guy is a better salesperson but the data is all the same so that means he either leaves data out or makes data seem better or perhaps he just has more persuasion to make doctors give pill to patient that could make them really sick. thats because you are told to sell, sell and this always means that gaps appear in the message to downplay side effects and reduce risk just to sell more than they next person.
i know because i am instructed to create more IMPACT to make the doctor give the drug to every single person they cn. impact and hold them accpuntable to give more to their ptients because we downplay the risks and broaden the indications. you dont have to take just my word for it look at the oig and multiple warning letters this company has. the balance between sell, sell and more sell needs to be correct and more monetary reward to balance and complete description when in discussion to the doctor who is dealing with peoples lives.
all improvement plans are on sell more sell more sell more drugs and never ever on correct balance of risk against benefit of product. it is downplyed at poa meetings and minimized so why wouldnt we sell how we are t=rained when we talk to doctors if this is how we are trained at meetings. we are given feedback to put more focus on efficacy efficacy sells sell more sell more but never never put focus on the full data or complete risk with efficacy. if a drug has both efficacy and side effects and that equals 50/50 then why are we not presenting the drugs like that, why is it 90% efficacy sell efficay and then a quick best effort to tell that oh by the way the drug could kill your patient or it is contraindicated here. this is only ever 10% of the call and i can say with confidence because i work here. i have many examples of this in emails and communication as i am sure everyone does. forest now even your salespeople are saying its time to improve and balance the payment to sales people for full disclosure and not a rank and payount 100% on who sold more drugs in whatever way possible.