FCR in M.I.


Don't you just love the new business model of your manager sending you the FCR in M.I. after he is long gone and then expects you to acknowledge it without any discussion or feedback other than your comments in the appropriate section? Any constructive feedback would not be a smart move if you want your next field visit to go smoothly. So much for transparency, but hey I got a handle on my pre-call planning and the value of asking transitional questions for my influence selling.

Don't you just love the new business model of your manager sending you the FCR in M.I. after he is long gone and then expects you to acknowledge it without any discussion or feedback other than your comments in the appropriate section? Any constructive feedback would not be a smart move if you want your next field visit to go smoothly. So much for transparency, but hey I got a handle on my pre-call planning and the value of asking transitional questions for my influence selling.

Know a couple of reps who have been destroyed on the FCR. Watch out!