FBI pays visit to blogger as potential "threat

Som's lover

CHRISTIAN COUNTY, Mo. — A local blogger who was critical of Rep. Billy Long during last year's congressional campaign has been interviewed by the FBI about his encounters with the congressman.

Clay Bowler, who lives in Christian County, says he was shocked to find an agent from the Federal Bureau of Investigation at his doorstep. Accompanying the agent was Greene County Sheriff Jim Arnott.

The agent asked Bowler if he was a threat to Long, a notion Bowler finds laughable.

Though Long is a Republican, the blog apparently attacked him from the right. While Bowler apparently "confronted" Long at some campaign events, there's no suggestion in the ABC article that he ever threatened the candidate.



CHRISTIAN COUNTY, Mo. — A local blogger who was critical of Rep. Billy Long during last year's congressional campaign has been interviewed by the FBI about his encounters with the congressman.

Clay Bowler, who lives in Christian County, says he was shocked to find an agent from the Federal Bureau of Investigation at his doorstep. Accompanying the agent was Greene County Sheriff Jim Arnott.

The agent asked Bowler if he was a threat to Long, a notion Bowler finds laughable.

Though Long is a Republican, the blog apparently attacked him from the right. While Bowler apparently "confronted" Long at some campaign events, there's no suggestion in the ABC article that he ever threatened the candidate.


The FBI and the federal government is making fools of themselves with these actions and it is a threat to free speech rights.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with criticizing an elected official or with "confronting" them at a campaign event. Such things are the very basis of this country and it's values.

We miss the crazies due to libtard influenced mental health policy and "privacy" rights and yet we are going to hassle someone who is making a federal official's life a little uncomfortable by exercising his constitutional rights.

Very sad that this is what we are reduced to, having the fbi investigating every day americans simply because they voice dissent to their elected officials.

Yep, they started with the anti-war activists and now the shooting gave ample pretext to futher stifle our voices and errode our civil rights.

hypocrites on both sides would only criticise the gov actions when directed against their activities.

Im in favor of responsible free speech

this said however, actions should be taken in case of clear threat or incitement of violence by the media or bloggersdirected against an individual or a group of people.
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Yep, they started with the anti-war activists and now the shooting gave ample reason to futher stifle our voices and errode our civil rights.

hypocrites on both sides would only criticise the gov actions when directed against their activities.

Im in favor of responsible free speech

this said however, actions should be taken in case of clear threat or incitement of violence by the media or bloggersdirected against an individual or a group of people.

.Leading up to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichstag_Fire_Decree


There are a couple of things going on here with this harrassment.

1st is that the government wants to take over the internet. They want to be able to identify anyone and tax any and everything on the internet so this is a convenient door to go through.

If they can tie enough threats, especially as it relates to our politicians, they can jump to the conclusion that as a precautionary measure to our very constitution, we must have access to all individuals names and locations immediately posting on the internet. Each individual posting even dissent at a politicians position, like this gentleman, will be questioned by the FBI at the least, and arrested and held for a minimum of 72 hours if deemed a threat by the Agent questioning the citizen.

This will not be limited to just blogging either. It will push into creative webpage designs, youtube, facebook, etc.. Once they establish the precedent to control the internet they will have the ability to control all communication over the net. See, governments hate the internet. That is why China pretty much completely blocked it and now severely censors it for her citizens. Because a dissident or someone in disagreement with positions could never have the vast amount of listeners without this tool to persuade others, they would love nothing more than to control it and all thought and discussion.

2nd-This man that the FBI visited was a republican with allegations against him of being a potential threat to an elected republican.

I believe that from the FBI visit to this man, they have from the Loughner shootings, determined that those politicians within a political party are most at risk from their own party members than from outside the party. From this visit it is apparent that they believe that Loughner was a liberal left leaning democrat.

There are hundreds of threats, veiled and otherwise, made a day to congressmen and woman. Most of those however are made to the opposite party of the individual making the "threats". Why would the FBI hone in on a man in rural southwest Missouri who is alledged to be a threat to a person of his own party?

The only logical conclusion is that the FBI has always believed that each party is potentially more a danger from their own party members. JL is a dimlib, left wing assassin. Who are you more likely to be killed by, a total stranger or from someone within your own family?

Every freedom-loving American should be against "the patriot act".

Every freedom loving American should be against Obama and his jackboot thugs visiting Americans homes and questioning them on their beliefs.

As far as the Patriot Act, point to one incident where an American citizen had their rights or freedom enfringed upon due to the Act.

Yep, they started with the anti-war activists and now the shooting gave ample pretext to futher stifle our voices and errode our civil rights.

hypocrites on both sides would only criticise the gov actions when directed against their activities.

Im in favor of responsible free speech

this said however, actions should be taken in case of clear threat or incitement of violence by the media or bloggersdirected against an individual or a group of people.

I couldn't agree with you more. The lady in Indiana was a clear threat and is being prosecuted. This one, though, is an abuse by the FBI.

"Bowler is the author of a blog called Long is Wrong, in which he has questioned whether Long is conservative enough." This isn't the first time Long has tried to silence bloggers, including allegedlyoffering a job to Bowler previously. He had a large list of people he felt were "threatening" that he provided to the FBI.

I think they are investigating the wrong man.

As the the Patriot Act, had 9/11 never occurred, most US citizens would not have stood for this abuse. While I fully supported its introduction and immediate need, we are more than 9 years post 9/11. While there is still a threat, and likely always will be, we are allowing the government far more control and intrusion into our lives than is acceptable. We should not accept being treated like criminals! Of course obama supported in and even expanded it - it is power in its most perverse application by the government. It will take public outrage - not republican or dem leadership - to get this changed and phased out. Instead, I suspect a version of a Patriot Act extension will be what allows obama to take control of the Internet.
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I couldn't agree with you more. The lady in Indiana was a clear threat and is being prosecuted. This one, though, is an abuse by the FBI.

"Bowler is the author of a blog called Long is Wrong, in which he has questioned whether Long is conservative enough." This isn't the first time Long has tried to silence bloggers, including allegedlyoffering a job to Bowler previously. He had a large list of people he felt were "threatening" that he provided to the FBI.

I think they are investigating the wrong man.

As the the Patriot Act, had 9/11 never occurred, most US citizens would not have stood for this abuse. While I fully supported its introduction and immediate need, we are more than 9 years post 9/11. While there is still a threat, and likely always will be, we are allowing the government far more control and intrusion into our lives than is acceptable. We should not accept being treated like criminals! Of course obama supported in and even expanded it - it is power in its most perverse application by the government. It will take public outrage - not republican or dem leadership - to get this changed and phased out.

You are right about getting it changed, there won't be a single Republican or Democrat who would dare do it now. What kind of political backlash would they face if they spearheaded abolishing the Patriot Act and then another 9/11 occurred, or something even worse.

You are right about getting it changed, there won't be a single Republican or Democrat who would dare do it now. What kind of political backlash would they face if they spearheaded abolishing the Patriot Act and then another 9/11 occurred, or something even worse.

If people would understand this is a less visible intrusion identical to those protests of physical assaults allowed at airports today, there would be more outrage. It is allowed by the public because of a perception it might do good and is doing no harm, and people don't 'see' it. We've given up so many rights and expectations as Americans you have to wonder just how much the terrorists have won. I hate going to DC and seeing the ugly huge barricades and areas closed to public entrance as it is a very visible reminder of all we have lost. I am thankful to be able to tell the kids what visiting DC was like back in the late 70s.

There are a couple of things going on here with this harrassment.

1st is that the government wants to take over the internet. They want to be able to identify anyone and tax any and everything on the internet so this is a convenient door to go through.

If they can tie enough threats, especially as it relates to our politicians, they can jump to the conclusion that as a precautionary measure to our very constitution, we must have access to all individuals names and locations immediately posting on the internet. Each individual posting even dissent at a politicians position, like this gentleman, will be questioned by the FBI at the least, and arrested and held for a minimum of 72 hours if deemed a threat by the Agent questioning the citizen.

This will not be limited to just blogging either. It will push into creative webpage designs, youtube, facebook, etc.. Once they establish the precedent to control the internet they will have the ability to control all communication over the net. See, governments hate the internet. That is why China pretty much completely blocked it and now severely censors it for her citizens. Because a dissident or someone in disagreement with positions could never have the vast amount of listeners without this tool to persuade others, they would love nothing more than to control it and all thought and discussion.

2nd-This man that the FBI visited was a republican with allegations against him of being a potential threat to an elected republican.

I believe that from the FBI visit to this man, they have from the Loughner shootings, determined that those politicians within a political party are most at risk from their own party members than from outside the party. From this visit it is apparent that they believe that Loughner was a liberal left leaning democrat.

There are hundreds of threats, veiled and otherwise, made a day to congressmen and woman. Most of those however are made to the opposite party of the individual making the "threats". Why would the FBI hone in on a man in rural southwest Missouri who is alledged to be a threat to a person of his own party?

The only logical conclusion is that the FBI has always believed that each party is potentially more a danger from their own party members. JL is a dimlib, left wing assassin. Who are you more likely to be killed by, a total stranger or from someone within your own family?

This is spot on...especially paragraph 2 and 3. Why does the government need to police the internet?

They don't. Talk aout nefarious activities. If there is a market to police the internet, and certain people want certain protections provided by siftware and policing services, then let the consumer contract with private industry for a nominal fee.

Hey Feds.....leave me the fuck alone when it comes to my postings.

Every freedom-loving American should be against "the patriot act".

Yeah really, I will never forgive the GOP for passing the "patriot act" which then leads to the largest expansion of the federal gov't in HISTORY. How many more alphabet agencies do they have to create all to monitor ordinary Americans? How can you tell when something’s a POS authoritarian legislation???...when they're given innocuous names like "patriot act" or "citizens united"...

Yeah really, I will never forgive the GOP for passing the "patriot act" which then leads to the largest expansion of the federal gov't in HISTORY. How many more alphabet agencies do they have to create all to monitor ordinary Americans? How can you tell when something’s a POS authoritarian legislation???...when they're given innocuous names like "patriot act" or "citizens united"...

Pretty disingenuous don't you think? This began with a clear and imminent threat, and an attack on US soil that left the nation in chaos. But areas due to expire were renewed and expanded by this administration wiht absolutely no cause. Yet no animosity for them.