FBEs Next 5 Years

The Reps who just want to keep a steady job with little motivation will continue to stay with the company. Those who aspire to new roles and new challenges will seek employment elsewhere. The company and its change to career pathways and S1, S2, and S3 will cause top performers and bright stars to leave. There are no more promotions, simply lateral moves. What other company considers Primary Care Sales, Specialty Sales, Vaccine Sales and Hospital Sales all lateral moves? What motivation do people have to take on a new role within the organization if they are not goinig to be compensated? These changes are designed to reduce overall payroll and increase territory vacancy. They no longer want to pay high salaries to deserving top employees. What will happen is that ultimately the top Sales Reps will leave and this company will be left with a mediocre salesforce and contract reps who just want to get by day to day and provide for their families. In this economy no one will oppose the higher power.

If you're young, get out of pharma, unless you're content to cruise and be let go at Merck's whim. Those close to retirement, hang in there...no point if you're over 50 to be looking for work elsewhere...it's still a tough economy, and those hiring are hiring young, cheap labor. Merck has been mediocre for quite some time now...it will only get worse with "career pathways". They killed what little incentive there was to begin with. What other company pays out bonus once a year? And now it will be less of a bonus, to boot. But, really, what else can Merck do at this point...generics will soon take over and the pipeline has dried up...blame it on costly, unproductive R&D.

If you're young, get out of pharma, unless you're content to cruise and be let go at Merck's whim. Those close to retirement, hang in there...no point if you're over 50 to be looking for work elsewhere...it's still a tough economy, and those hiring are hiring young, cheap labor. Merck has been mediocre for quite some time now...it will only get worse with "career pathways". They killed what little incentive there was to begin with. What other company pays out bonus once a year? And now it will be less of a bonus, to boot. But, really, what else can Merck do at this point...generics will soon take over and the pipeline has dried up...blame it on costly, unproductive R&D.

They have invented and re-invented "career pathways" to death. Merck actually switched to quarterly bonuses for a few years because "the reps asked for it". Then switched back to annual bonus because "the reps asked for it". The truth was they had a difficult time calculating the quarterly bonus correctly and on time and opted to say the reps asked for a return to annual bonus.

If you're young, get out of pharma, unless you're content to cruise and be let go at Merck's whim. Those close to retirement, hang in there...no point if you're over 50 to be looking for work elsewhere...it's still a tough economy, and those hiring are hiring young, cheap labor. Merck has been mediocre for quite some time now...it will only get worse with "career pathways". They killed what little incentive there was to begin with. What other company pays out bonus once a year? And now it will be less of a bonus, to boot. But, really, what else can Merck do at this point...generics will soon take over and the pipeline has dried up...blame it on costly, unproductive R&D.
this person "gets it." great post...The only people who win at Merck now are the managers...Senior and middle...everyone else is screwed...they want people to quit...the beatings will continue until morale improves around here!!

this person "gets it." great post...The only people who win at Merck now are the managers...Senior and middle...everyone else is screwed...they want people to quit...the beatings will continue until morale improves around here!!

what??????...Last time around managers got cut too. "the beatings will continue until morale improves around here!!"....you make no sense.

This company is floundering in rough seas and has no idea where to go or what to do! You have to know where you've been to know where you're going and Merck managment has forgotten what made them great in the past, those are the same things that can make them great in the future! Our customers have actually changed much less than Merck says, but they will continue this because it gives them free hands to get rid of the sales force while increasing the idiots at WP & UG that continue to make fundamental mistakes without acknowledgement and correction from those above them who came from the same MBA mills on the east coast! Just remember folks 'sick sigma' will save us!

They have invented and re-invented "career pathways" to death. Merck actually switched to quarterly bonuses for a few years because "the reps asked for it". Then switched back to annual bonus because "the reps asked for it". The truth was they had a difficult time calculating the quarterly bonus correctly and on time and opted to say the reps asked for a return to annual bonus.

Best bonus is once a month; typical bonus in all sales organizations is quarterly; worst bonus is once a year.