Fat Mike loses Allergan to ex B&L CEO


This was such great news!! To hear that Saunders picked Allergan out of Fat Mike's hand...such sweet redemption. Maybe if he started to realize that innovations in R&D, IT, etc., can build far more long term value than just cutting them then he might be better off. Oh, and if I hear "synergies" one more time I'm going to lose it. Can't wait to see him fall on his face.

This was such great news!! To hear that Saunders picked Allergan out of Fat Mike's hand...such sweet redemption. Maybe if he started to realize that innovations in R&D, IT, etc., can build far more long term value than just cutting them then he might be better off. Oh, and if I hear "synergies" one more time I'm going to lose it. Can't wait to see him fall on his face.

Just wait until Actavis cut $500 million from Allergan's R&D budget