I understand that having just an undergraduate degree in economics does not qualify you to analyze the research you reference, conducted by paid opinion leaders for Straumann, so at best you can only regurgitate marketing claims. I have no financial interest in the sale of Implant Direct’s or Zimmer Dental’s (Screw-Vent) products, both of which I developed. The fact that you claim Straumann offers “lower treatment cost”, when its US list price for an Implant, cover screw, healing collar and straight abutment is $838 verses the same components from Implant Direct for its Legacy4 Implant with all-in-1 packaging is $230 (3.65X as much) is astounding. It just proves you don't know what you are talking about or hope dentists are gullible enough to believe you just because you work for Straumann, a company I licensed twice for violating my patents.