FAS salary-OMG


If they want you - ex - you know someone at management ar Regeneron - they will pay as much as the Academic reps - 147 plus sign on bonus 10-20K negotiable.
Just heared from 2 reps and saw their intent letters yesterday.

Everyone else in FAS got SCREWED.

not only does the salary blow but the national director is a total mcmicromanager. just wait until all the metrics come flying at you. you will need an organizer to keep track of all the metrics

not only does the salary blow but the national director is a total mcmicromanager. just wait until all the metrics come flying at you. you will need an organizer to keep track of all the metrics

Not even close to true. Many of us have followed him to Regeneron because he is a great leader and good man.

yeah he is so great that mcmicromanager was pushed out of his last company and had numerous complaints against him at hr. you are directly removed from him so he doesn't push your buttons but your boss will suffer. you'll see...

yeah he is so great that mcmicromanager was pushed out of his last company and had numerous complaints against him at hr. you are directly removed from him so he doesn't push your buttons but your boss will suffer. you'll see...

bullshit there were no complaints and no one pushed him out...complaints about what and from who? People who didn't do their work who had to be sheparded out.

you don't know the real person behind the mask. out of courtesy no company will advertise that they pushed him out. he did have a lot of issues with HR and had specific complaints from reimbursement people who were high caliber reps. he has no idea about strategy but lives in the weeds. at the home office we witnessed him knifing anyone who disagreed with him. your issue is that you are off his radar and he appears to be a great person. it is all an act. he plays the political scene very well but behind closed doors he is an absolute snake.

My God you're a pussy! All you do is complain about how one person has hurt you! Really why let that person rent space in your brain, and I got news for you there is not one national sales director in pharma who hasn't stepped on people on the way to the top!
Grow up and welcome to reality you pathetic soul!

My God you're a pussy! All you do is complain about how one person has hurt you! Really why let that person rent space in your brain, and I got news for you there is not one national sales director in pharma who hasn't stepped on people on the way to the top!
Grow up and welcome to reality you pathetic soul!

You're so right. This jack hat, is obsessed with this guy. Drop it already to the tiny brained fool that will certainly see this and take another chance to write about how awful the guy is and how he used all the milk for his cereal when they roomed together in training.

sure, the posts are over the top about the national director. They are true. I worked with this guy at his last company and now I am over here. I came over because I needed a job. I can tell you that our ntl director is all about metrics and politics. he plays favorites and stabs people in the back.

I am really concerned about this role! I just had my first meeting with my sales team and its horrible to find out they all think they're my boss. This will be a nightmare if everyone acts like they're the most important person in the room every single day!!

the reason you are looked down on is because you are the lowest paid "rep" in the room. We are all being under paid in this role! The compnay does not support us just sales. I took a major cut to come over here because I was out of work. We capped out at $120 and sales got a ton more money than we did. we got jack in what is supposed to be a better job.

the reason you are looked down on is because you are the lowest paid "rep" in the room. We are all being under paid in this role! The compnay does not support us just sales. I took a major cut to come over here because I was out of work. We capped out at $120 and sales got a ton more money than we did. we got jack in what is supposed to be a better job.

Be happy that you have a fucking job and look for a new one while you have a paycheck if you're not happy. I agree that the commercial leadership has no idea how much of a problem that they will have when the FAS team will be doing the lion share of the work and getting compensated less then sales. The upside is that you have a foot in the door at a growing company with a strong pipeline. Rather than bitch take advantage and move into a sales role for one of the next launches. The ND of Reimbursement is 100% big pharma and inspires little trust so even if you are paid equal or better to sales you may need an exit strategy anyway.