FAQ - 6326 - Closeout


Okay, our last day is the 15th. JB said we would have FAQ's on Wednesday. And we still have no word or direction concerning closeout. Quintiles is a huge company would you not think human resources would be taking the lead and giving some direction regarding closeout; and our responsibilities.

Okay, our last day is the 15th. JB said we would have FAQ's on Wednesday. And we still have no word or direction concerning closeout. Quintiles is a huge company would you not think human resources would be taking the lead and giving some direction regarding closeout; and our responsibilities.

Wednesday is 2 days away, call HR if you have questions.

We were also told that we were going to hear about vacancy management territories LAST WEEK!

Takeda Vacancy Reps should know who you are. Others....Check internal job openings. Not going to fall in your lap! And no guarantee you will get the job either. Has anyone gotten interview for openings posted?

how can huge organizations like Q and Takeda be run so poorly.....

no notice of closeout info... everything done last minute

no notice of vac reps having to go into homestudy + san diego until the last day of employment at 2pm... terrible business and communication