Fall order/2013 cars?


Current Employee- due for car this year and wondering if they are sticking to Ford Escapes (in vision care) for the end of the year fleet order or do we have some new agreement?? Just curious! Thanks!

Nice, love it. God forbid someone not be an a$$ and actually provide a legit answer. No big deal... I can always call fleet to see if they'll even know, but thought I'd see if there was anyone on here that may have heard.

Anyone know an actual answer?

It's a free car so just STFU and take what they give you. I mean who really gives a shit, anyway? Is it going to be that traumatic for you if it's an Escape? Are you insane?

Really? Do you really need to use such vulgarity(previous post)? To the original person's post- not sure of the selection but I have chosen to purchase a car and get their monthly allotment. Way better.
Note to all- if you cannot show some humane qualities than just do not post. Keep your negativity to yourself or just leave the company.
Simple. Period.

Really? Do you really need to use such vulgarity(previous post)? To the original person's post- not sure of the selection but I have chosen to purchase a car and get their monthly allotment. Way better.
Note to all- if you cannot show some humane qualities than just do not post. Keep your negativity to yourself or just leave the company.
Simple. Period.

I humbly apologize if I offended you. And also, fuck you

Current Employee- due for car this year and wondering if they are sticking to Ford Escapes (in vision care) for the end of the year fleet order or do we have some new agreement?? Just curious! Thanks!

Seriously??? You supposedly "work" for this company but you don't know what cars are offered and the only way you can find out by posting on here? You really are a fucknut, aren't you?

OP: In VC here too. Was due for a car last year but was told by fleet that no orders were put in all year. Typically they do a spring & fall order. Not sure what the deal is. Fleet seems to not know either.

Well doesn't it make sense, B&L is up for sale- who knows whats going to happen, right? So why would they invest in our fleet cars? 8 reps have left this month alone. There is a tremendous amount of uncertainty here. If anyone is interviewing for a position here, you need to be fully advised that your position and ours can be eliminated, reduced all gone within months. Bids all come to light and we should know something mid Feb.