Failed refi

We're aware that a lot of recent posts on this board have been made by investors and/or are related to Pernix stock. In order to keep this board relevant to Pernix employees, we've moved several of these threads to a new board specifically meant for stock discussions.

Since we know that employees may also be interested in company stocks, we will allow a limited number of stock-related threads on company boards. However, most such discussions will be moved to the stock discussions board.

Cafepharma company boards are meant to be a place where employees can discuss their company and industry. This will continue to be our focus.

It was over 6 months ago idiot. Get out now while you still can
I'm not leaving. In fact I can't wait to hear my manager tell me everything is fine and there is no reason to worry or listen to those on CP. I will totally believe the spin the company tells me if anything. I don't care the stock dropped again today, tomorrow, or ever again! I will refuse any and all offers that come my way because I believe in Pernix!