Face to face interview

Have a face to face interview coming up. Coming over from a different industry. Does anyone knoe the questions I should prepare for? Thanks.

If you are over 33 years, no chance that you will even drink coffee at Cafe-Zon. But if you are being recruited for swine private enlargement or in animal products, you have 5% chance of getting the job. Company wants to lay off people -- not hire new one. These interviews are sh@w operation -- it cost them few hundred to give false hope. Perhaps a real genius of John Christain Lechleiter in his or her primacy of age 23 -24 will be selected. Save your troubles and don't keep hopes high.

In the context of what you are about to experience 'face-to-face' is a misconception. Think more along the lines of 'Aß-to-Mouth', á là HUMAN CENTIPEDE. It is left as a thought experiment for you to guess your role.

these pompous asses ask the same korny questions.

Do you know what other products we sell?
No douche, I'm interviewing for diabetes product your co promoting for BI

Why Eli Lilly?
Cause it's a friggen job jerk

They act like it's a friggen CIA job, it's NOT.

Are you a closer?
Seriously? I close the door when I leave the office you nimrod

They lied also. The diabetes opening has NO mention of being fixed duration on the job posting. However, in the interview, they state it is for two years. I wouldn't have interviewed!

Did manny, mo and jack interview you?
The dumb guy, the gay guy, and the black guy.

Hey, I interviewed in NJ as well lol. those 3 were beyond comical. The black guys suit look like it never been pressed, so many wrinkles. Affirmative action does clearly work! the gay dude wore those 'fantastic' non matching colors and the other guy just seem embarrassed to be associate with the other two.