F2F Interview

F2F Interview next week any advice is appreciated. FDE position, might not be the most secure position, but I think it's great for experience.

Be prepared to answer what are your plans after FDE contract is over, learn more about diabetes or onco that you are being selected for, do not show arraogance or wit since this hard time of layoffs mood is somber and even fiesty; Thank oyu twice - In the beginning and end (handshake is optional - flu season--but if you insist it is ok); answer your weakness with candor; answer couple of glitches in grades.

Never ask about Indy as a city or weather. Never bring any relationship issues -- can reveal more worms; Do not brag about your sports team or about indy teams - colts, pacers, 500.

Ask when can you expect to hear the result.

Goodluck, and may your dreams come true.