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F2F interview for PSS


I have a F2F interview coming up in a couple weeks and was wondering if anyone on here had the script they use for these interviews. I know there is a copy on here somewhere but after hours of searching I cannot find it. This forum has really opened my eyes with all the negativity towards the company but I am going to do the interview anyways and see if I get an offer and go from there. Anyways, can anyone point me to the script for a F2F PSS interview. Thanks

its not the F2F "script" you should worry about - its the personality test that will do you in!
Think about answers to questions that begin
"tell me about a time when you...."

Always answer in the STAR format (situation, tactics, actions, results)

stick to STAR format for all your answers to the "tell me about a time when..." questions.

Show and prove that you have never taken any initiative, that you think that the marketing info they send you that they got from some outsourced group is better than any territory business sense you could ever develop; that you are ready willing and able to follow all direction from the marketing team lead, despite the fact that it will never work in your territory - and 90% of the other territories; indicate that you'd welcome a minimum of 4 ride-alongs per month from your Manager so he could show you what "good" looks like; indicate that, in your mind, there is no such thing as a "no see" no sales reps" etc offices; that you know how to accost Providers in parking garages, office lobbies, that you are experienced in working under CIAs.....

You should do just fine - let us know how you make out!

stick to STAR format for all your answers to the "tell me about a time when..." questions.

Show and prove that you have never taken any initiative, that you think that the marketing info they send you that they got from some outsourced group is better than any territory business sense you could ever develop; that you are ready willing and able to follow all direction from the marketing team lead, despite the fact that it will never work in your territory - and 90% of the other territories; indicate that you'd welcome a minimum of 4 ride-alongs per month from your Manager so he could show you what "good" looks like; indicate that, in your mind, there is no such thing as a "no see" no sales reps" etc offices; that you know how to accost Providers in parking garages, office lobbies, that you are experienced in working under CIAs.....

You should do just fine - let us know how you make out!

Too funny! Much truth to what you say. Well played.

I'm guessing the OP is "new" to pharma and maybe even rather new to full time work force of sales..OP , you should have at least half dozen responses to "tell me a time when..?" question.
look up Star format questions plenty there to look at...

As for the rest of us Seasoned reps..seeing more of these rookie (nothing personal op) questions on CP is not great sign that pharma is looking for experienced reps.

I'm guessing the OP is "new" to pharma and maybe even rather new to full time work force of sales..OP , you should have at least half dozen responses to "tell me a time when..?" question.
look up Star format questions plenty there to look at...

As for the rest of us Seasoned reps..seeing more of these rookie (nothing personal op) questions on CP is not great sign that pharma is looking for experienced reps.

I once did interviews for new hires. Common sense promoted the questions to ask, particularly after reading the candidates resume. You could quickly whittle away what you needed to know. Answering via the STAR format may offer some consistency, but I always thought it a foolish way to select the proper hire.

The truth is, if you practice and get good at answering in situation, task, action, and result format on each question fluently, there is no reason you cannot bullshit yourself through an interview as well or better than any other interviewing technique. In fact, the odds may be in your favor. I have seen where AZ did not choose a potential candidate merely because they did not answer in the STAR format.

When you hear questions like, "Tell me about a time when....." you'll know you are being teed up.

Be specific, consistent, positive, and quantify success. Answer questions in 1-3 minutes. Practice and make it appear seamless. Good luck.

The truth is, if you practice and get good at answering in situation, task, action, and result format on each question fluently, there is no reason you cannot bullshit yourself through an interview as well or better than any other interviewing technique. In fact, the odds may be in your favor. I have seen where AZ did not choose a potential candidate merely because they did not answer in the STAR format.

When you hear questions like, "Tell me about a time when....." you'll know you are being teed up.

Be specific, consistent, positive, and quantify success. Answer questions in 1-3 minutes. Practice and make it appear seamless. Good luck.

Correct, but remember, do not stay here longer than 1 year.

Make up answers to the following questions and you're a shoe in. Even if you sound completely plastic, it doesn't matter. Be a robot because you are speaking to robots:


The truth is, if you practice and get good at answering in situation, task, action, and result format on each question fluently, there is no reason you cannot bullshit yourself through an interview as well or better than any other interviewing technique. In fact, the odds may be in your favor. I have seen where AZ did not choose a potential candidate merely because they did not answer in the STAR format.

When you hear questions like, "Tell me about a time when....." you'll know you are being teed up.

Be specific, consistent, positive, and quantify success. Answer questions in 1-3 minutes. Practice and make it appear seamless. Good luck.

While I aced the sales part of the interview, I blew the STAR questions...my examples were general, not specific. Seems silly to me that big pharma places such importance on nonsense like this (i.e., we all know the specific examples spewed by candidates are fake).

Oh well, at least next time I will know how to play this game.

Correct, but remember, do not stay here longer than 1 year.

Make up answers to the following questions and you're a shoe in. Even if you sound completely plastic, it doesn't matter. Be a robot because you are speaking to robots:



You'll do just fine if you make up answers to the questions in the link. Even if the interviewer knows that your answers are made up, the interviewer is a robot. He is afraid to think independently, that is the kind of thing that gets an AZ employee fired, and that's a big paycheck and car for doing zip except for checking boxes.

Prepare for the interview. They are going to ask you silly ridiculous questions from the link posted.

Tell me about a time when you had to use initiative to solve a problem....

What a bunch of cretans. Idiots.

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