F*!* You MerryAL


Oh pretty please think of more stupid meaningless tasks for me to do. I can never have enough dumbass ideas and requirements for my sweet Merry-al

Last week right before my stupid Vetstreet training (which by the way i dont get a single dollar for taking hours to sell some one elses overpriced product), I had to drop everything and go do your shopping and urgently mail in cards of FrLn+ bc you arent resourceful enough to A) keep it out of big retail stores or B) go order or buy a sample from stores across the country for your damn self. You waste millions of dollars on stupid things- why not hire your own shoppers? Instead u rather take an hour out of our micro-satellite-managed day to go get it for you. If only there were Menards or Costco's sharing parking lots with my vet clinics then maybe I would not be so upset cuz at least I could get a pingaling while I was there cuz you also want 2 yell at us cuz we are not at clinics for at least half an hour every single call.

It is impossible to satisfy you mentally challenged idiots in the home office constantly thinking yourselfs up new ways to keep your jobz by cre8ing more tasks 4 us and keeping us from defending market share and actually trying to sell something in a legit fashion for once. No wonder we divert. We dont have any damn time to sell product to veterinarians with morals.

I h8 you. So does every other rep that has been blatantly lying for you for 2 long. Go ahead and hire more college telemarketer kids for cheap and phase out the reps who have been loyal for you. This industry has taken a turn to sh!t-town cuz of u. There are some good companies around and they actually let their reps make sales calls. Maybe you should try it.

Imposible to "control our destiny" when u dont give us any time to try to control our bowel movements. Think up more bizywork for me while u whjack off in your cube-farms.

all the meaningless new paperwork and training is a sure sign someone is trying to justify their job as we go into the merger. Near as I can see S-P Intervet reps and managers continue to work hard and are not getting bogged down with 'junk busy work' that will not help us make a single sale. Unhappy, frustrated reps do not make a great sales force.

it does not matter if you have a unhappy sales force if there is nothing in ur bag to sell. how many more things can go wrong? {on 2nd thought do not answur that}

heard from dstrct mgr that the purchased frontln we had to ship was to look and see if counterfeit product from china or somewhere was on the shelves of these stores. so what is next if they find some? does merryal then force them to replace it with legitly diverted frntln? GEE WIZZ

Eye really do h8 vetstreet. this is a stupid product that we want reciprocity for?????!!!!!!????? how do u reciproc8 horse crap? Do u do it with pony crap? Especially when ur compa-knee is out of pony crap for them to buy from you! $2900 HAHAHAHAAAAAAAA YEAH RITE

Vetstreet is all about data sharing my friend. All of these years of swearing to the vet that "Merial does nothing with the info that they retrieve from Client Connection" is probably true, but Vetstreet is a way around that. Vetstreet collects data and turns it into reports that they then "sell" to manufacturers like Merial. Only Merial gets a deal because they helped market and sell it to the vets. It sort of replaces marketshare data that Merial pays directly to the clinics. This is cheaper and maybe more accurate. So, you are actually helping Vetstreet "rob" the clinics of their data and the clinics do not get a dime for their information. And if you think I am wrong, then re-read that contract. The clinic "name" is not used but their data is added to the overall information pulled from all clinics. Look at some of the recent powerpoints coming out from Marketing. Most are supported by Vetstreet data. Interesting, huh?
As far as the product in the big box stores, how exactly else do you think your salary is paid? Diverter business is 40% of the business! Are you willing to be part of the 40% of the cut in employees if the business goes away? Didnt think so!!
MerryAL is Liars and Thieves, but for now you have a job, so go sit in your car for 30 minutes and quit complaining about how tough life is! You have no idea how well you have it.

So we have it "good" because we are paid to continuously lie to our fellow man? That is just swell. I am sure that is exactly what God wanted when he created man.

Maybe we should have TZ send out a letter telling our customers that God told us to lie to them. That should go over about as well as the last one he sent out.

So quit. Whats the problem? Family to feed? Bad job market? We all do what we have to do, don't we? So does management. Sells to distributors (diverters) so that they can keep you around and you can feed your family. See it a little different now? And if not, then quit. No one is begging you to stay.

Don't quit. Do the right thing! Go find yourself a diverter and be happy.
It's too easy to quit. And it's just as easy to find a diverter.
Hell the message is loud and clear - Frick the Vet, you better take care of # 1

The only distributor allowed to buy enough to support an account the size of Costco is probably Butler. Butler did the most business with Merial last year, and since Merial allows the distributors to buy a percentage of product outright, roughly 15% of their sales to vets, only Butler had enough credited business to support a sale to Costco. that is my guess.

The only distributor allowed to buy enough to support an account the size of Costco is probably Butler. Butler did the most business with Merial last year, and since Merial allows the distributors to buy a percentage of product outright, roughly 15% of their sales to vets, only Butler had enough credited business to support a sale to Costco. that is my guess.

Frontline is in Costco??????????? I thought you said it was going to be in Walmart!! What happened???? You have promised us its going to be in Walmart for 3 years now!!!

I am a new salesperson that just finished company training.
I can assure you that we do not know where or how this product is getting into over the counter markets
When we figure it out. Our management will putan end to it.

They were clear on this at HQ

Are you serious? How can a company like Merial not know how their product is going OTC? Summit VetPharm has a tracking system so that if anyone takes their product OTC they will know and have it pulled from the shelves. Surely a company the size of Merial can afford a similiar tracking program if they truly wanted to know. But they don't so they look the other way and pretend they don't know how it is happening.