Eye of the hurricane

Come on, Mr. Gloom & Doom, I've seen more in the pharmaceutical field than you can ever imagine. I was working in it, before you were ever born....try the 70s. Astellas is fine right now, however; the pharma industry won't last. I'll give it another 2-3 years max. But now, enjoy it and bone up on another degree where you can make a living...uh, do something easy because you young uns aren't used to working...just milking the system...Good Luck!

Come on, Mr. Gloom & Doom, I've seen more in the pharmaceutical field than you can ever imagine. I was working in it, before you were ever born....try the 70s. Astellas is fine right now, however; the pharma industry won't last. I'll give it another 2-3 years max. But now, enjoy it and bone up on another degree where you can make a living...uh, do something easy because you young uns aren't used to working...just milking the system...Good Luck!

Yeah - SWe should listen to you because you are old. Hell it's people from your generation in Sales Leadership who continue to screw the pooch. Right - I wanna pay attention to whatever you say -- NOT

Can you also tell us when you know more about global warming, the budget crisis and how to cure cancer?? SHUT THE FUCK UP, you don't know anything when/where/why/how etc.. about anything. Go back into your cube and punch numbers!!

Can you also tell us when you know more about global warming, the budget crisis and how to cure cancer?? SHUT THE FUCK UP, you don't know anything when/where/why/how etc.. about anything. Go back into your cube and punch numbers!!

Listen, if you don't want to read these posts (or have them read to you) then find something else to do. Many of us have access to info that should be shared. PC will be realigned. Its already been decided. The Red/Gray set up makes little business sense and costs a lot of $. (Rep and rsm travel) will combine the two at some point in near future. No time to get it done 4th qtr b/c of stupid myrbetriq.

I know this shit stain -- I will still be in my cubicle punching numbers and making bank while you are having your head spin on spear wondering what you did to deserve being let go due to the coming shit-storm. So...go ahead and take your shots numb-nuts. I will be the last one laughing - Bank on that

I know this shit stain -- I will still be in my cubicle punching numbers and making bank while you are having your head spin on spear wondering what you did to deserve being let go due to the coming shit-storm. So...go ahead and take your shots numb-nuts. I will be the last one laughing - Bank on that

Wow! She's an Angry Dwarf! Just tell us oh great and powerful OZ -- what Department are you even in. Then you might have some credibility. Otherwise you are just another idiot making noise. Angry Dwarf noises