Extra income


Is there anything that specifies as a sales rep whether you can have another part time job on weekends. As salaried employees would that matter. I work Monday to Friday full days. Would GSK take issue with a part time job on weekends? Economy is tough and my partner can not take extra hours on. Anyone have insight?

It’s against the rules set out in your employment agreement.

Is there anything that specifies as a sales rep whether you can have another part time job on weekends. As salaried employees would that matter. I work Monday to Friday full days. Would GSK take issue with a part time job on weekends? Economy is tough and my partner can not take extra hours on. Anyone have insight?

You can do anything you want on your time. So many reps have second jobs or alternative ways to make income. You did not sign any agreement about anything. This is 'at will' employment at its best. Just don't use your company car to be an Uber driver or do anything during general daytime working hours. Or don't take on another full-time job, especially in the same industry. Just don't be an idiot about it. Otherwise, take advantage of this mismanaged joke of a company bc they will get rid of you in the blink of an eye with no warning or remorse. Matter of fact, that scenario/situation will be coming very soon. Capitalize while you can and stay ahead of the game.

Is there anything that specifies as a sales rep whether you can have another part time job on weekends. As salaried employees would that matter. I work Monday to Friday full days. Would GSK take issue with a part time job on weekends? Economy is tough and my partner can not take extra hours on. Anyone have insight?

What kind of part time job on weekends are we talking about?

I have opportunity to work on Saturdays in non related hospitality industry for $20/hr plus tips. Not much but every little amount would help family. Ranking well making above payout but still not enough.

look up the employee guide. They cover it there. Print it out or screen shot it. Weekend work is fine as long as there are no conflicts of interest and you aren’t using the company car tp haul things or people. Can’t be driving related income.