oh they sure expanded. gave the keys to some lady with no clue. lots and lots and lots of new hires with elegant sounding roles. then fell flat on their faces and failed to deliver. so queen they hired to bring in all her rock star friends just got put out with the recycling after a little more than a year on the case. all her jesters should be close behind. more deck chairs shuffling on the titanic. once again VP can steer blame on others and position herself above the fray. she's beyond 9 lives her survival is masterful. endometriosis technology is late and has no substance anyway. serum screening test is old technology in age of genetics. story as old as time. you cannot toss expensive sales hires at something broken and expect it to work. ovarian test is not new, docs have heard it all before. how much longer does this charade go on? how do new hires fail to do a little homework? Rinse and repeat.