
Huge expansion coming given all the tremendous assets in the pipeline and the data that’s coming from all the Acthar trials. I’d apply for every opening you see and hope and pray you get an interview given the fierce competition there will be for these positions and the opportunity to join a company with such a bright future.

yeh big expansion...lol....and then they file Chapter 11in the fall. There is no expansion. Just filling in the laid off reps with cheaper salary reps and "rapid deployment rent a reps" from another company. Prove me wrong ...prior poster" lol

Huge expansion coming given all the tremendous assets in the pipeline and the data that’s coming from all the Acthar trials. I’d apply for every opening you see and hope and pray you get an interview given the fierce competition there will be for these positions and the opportunity to join a company with such a bright future.

I appreciate the sarcasm. Funny stuff!

Must be a big expansion, lots of postings. What's the 411?
They're filling some of the spots people have voluntarily left. Otherwise there is a contract company replacing other direct hire MNK reps that were recently laid off. Those positions are not posted directly thru MNK though. They're on a contract company website so not sure where you're seeing the postings.

Let’s face it, we may all eventually be replaced with contract reps. They do the same thing we do for way less salary. Sad but true! Some of the sharpest reps I have known were contract.

Hahahaha. Hilarious. That’s a lawsuit waiting.

no it’s not. You are an “at will” employee. Company can fire (or lay off) without giving reason. And they are not under any Obligation to give you anything. So if they offer you anything, I would take it and get a new job. Anything other and you are dreaming.

no it’s not. You are an “at will” employee. Company can fire (or lay off) without giving reason. And they are not under any Obligation to give you anything. So if they offer you anything, I would take it and get a new job. Anything other and you are dreaming.

thanks HUgh. Your record on court cases isn’t so great. Opioids and CMS. Nice job running that biz into the ground. Great hires too. Really helped our access. Hahaha. You’re a joke to this company and industry