

Anyone hear if we are planning to do this soon? With all the reps now selling bocep, it just seems like the logical response from us. I hope there is not too much territory disruption.

Anyone hear if we are planning to do this soon? With all the reps now selling bocep, it just seems like the logical response from us. I hope there is not too much territory disruption.

How many reps SELL bocep? Remember, Roche does NOT SELL bocep! We get paid on message recall, and could care less about how much bocep is sold. We simply want the market to exapnd for Pegasys, and could care less which DA is used. In fact, I mention the merck drug and the vertex drug. I look forward to "partnering" with both the Merck rep and the vertex rep with joint programs, etc.

Anyone hear if we are planning to do this soon? With all the reps now selling bocep, it just seems like the logical response from us. I hope there is not too much territory disruption.

Your drug has been on the market for a month, and you want an expansion? Wow! Analysts expect your drug to hit 75%, and the 5 week data suggest that you are doing this. If this continues to playout out, you may need more market expansion people, NOT more reps!

The arms race mentatility that you are showing is the same that executives had in the 90s and 00's. It is what lead the industry to the disaster the we see drastically correcting it self with massive layoffs. What next, do you want pod partners?

How many reps SELL bocep? Remember, Roche does NOT SELL bocep! We get paid on message recall, and could care less about how much bocep is sold. We simply want the market to exapnd for Pegasys, and could care less which DA is used. In fact, I mention the merck drug and the vertex drug. I look forward to "partnering" with both the Merck rep and the vertex rep with joint programs, etc.

Yeah, it's great out here. I've got programs in the books with both my Merck and Vertex reps. I also routinely make joint calls with both. And now that I've finished printing the Incevik PI it will be much easier to make a more appropriate sales aid to use.