expansion/Princeton 1


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  • Blue52   Nov 06, 2018 at 08:52: AM
Has anyone heard from Princeton about the panel interviews yet? And or if it’s even happening now?

Has anyone heard from Princeton about the panel interviews yet? And or if it’s even happening now?

You're kidding right? Princeton 1 is a joke. Their recruiters are "script reading-box checking" flunkies. Still can't fathom why Alkermes would have chosen such a poorly run organization to help them do the cattle call they call recruitment.

You're kidding right? Princeton 1 is a joke. Their recruiters are "script reading-box checking" flunkies. Still can't fathom why Alkermes would have chosen such a poorly run organization to help them do the cattle call they call recruitment.

Agreed...Iv'e had to go through P1 on two different occasions with different companies and they were not very professional either time. Very scripted and generic.

Couldn’t agree more with these posts. Alkermes was my third time with Princeton one and all 3 were very scripted and nearly identical-and all 3 we’re for different therapeutic areas. How can you be asking the same exact questions for 3 different companies in 3 different areas with different call points, needs etc...? I’ve gotten to the point where if I get a request from Princeton One for a phone screen I roll my eyes and move on to the next. To me, an organization that chooses to have them screen candidates doesn’t fit the culture of a place I’d like to work. Very indicative of what kind of company they are and how they will manage. Only metric driven. I’ve got offers from 2 companies with a large increase in pay and a much more professional organization and good culture. It’s alreasy apparent that their candidates are more than just a number. And whether or not that turns out to be the case will be seen, but I’d at least rather start off that way than with the impression Princeton One gives off...

  • Blue52   Nov 07, 2018 at 12:17: PM
My question wasn’t if you had a good experience and or if you thought Princeton 1 is cable of doing a good job. It was centered around the fact that some of us have made it through 3 rounds of interviews already, and were awaiting to hear the next step.
I agree they aren’t the best at what they are hired to do..but it is what it is.

My question wasn’t if you had a good experience and or if you thought Princeton 1 is cable of doing a good job. It was centered around the fact that some of us have made it through 3 rounds of interviews already, and were awaiting to hear the next step.
I agree they aren’t the best at what they are hired to do..but it is what it is.

Same here. If panel interviews are next wk as originally planned, that leaves very little time for those ppl moving forward to schedule time off if currently employed, etc. Pretty much looks like this Aristada expansion gig is not moving forward until early 2019 if even then. Bad deal on the ALKS 5461 announcement last wk.

That makes good business sense. Why hire for an expansion now when it’s a 50/50 shot for approval at the end of January.
Did you do any research on what happened at their FDA advisory panel meeting last week???!!! The chances of the drug being approved is at most 1%. They were voted down 21 to 2. I interviewed and was told I'd be moving on. After reading what happened with the FDA last week, I'm certain their expansion is not just on hold but called off. Although, it would be nice if they directed P1 or had their managers I interviewed with let me officially know that the product is DOA and they won't be expanding any time soon.

Did you do any research on what happened at their FDA advisory panel meeting last week???!!! The chances of the drug being approved is at most 1%. They were voted down 21 to 2. I interviewed and was told I'd be moving on. After reading what happened with the FDA last week, I'm certain their expansion is not just on hold but called off. Although, it would be nice if they directed P1 or had their managers I interviewed with let me officially know that the product is DOA and they won't be expanding any time soon.

I also interviewed with P1 and was told I’d be advancing. But this week I got the official phone call followed up with an email and letter attached explaining that the expansion is officially on hold until January. P1 told me they’d circle back in the beginning of Jan but in all likelihood I’m sure they are waiting until the PDUFA date. So it is official. And I agree with others on this site that this drug has little to zero chance of approval. Look elsewhere and if a miracle does happen they’ll circle back.

I also interviewed with P1 and was told I’d be advancing. But this week I got the official phone call followed up with an email and letter attached explaining that the expansion is officially on hold until January. P1 told me they’d circle back in the beginning of Jan but in all likelihood I’m sure they are waiting until the PDUFA date. So it is official. And I agree with others on this site that this drug has little to zero chance of approval. Look elsewhere and if a miracle does happen they’ll circle back.

It’s my understanding the Aristada expansion openings may still be moving forward per enail I received this past wk from P1. Was told they would be following up w/ me later this wk. Has anyone else interviewing for this expansion heard anything the past few days?

I also received the same canned letter abt 5461 being put on hold, but agree w/ everyone else here that even in Jan 2019, this expansion will not be moving forward. Amazing how so many similar situations seem to often occur prior to drug launch approvals. What a huge waste of time and money for management and candidates.

  • Blue52   Nov 11, 2018 at 10:19: PM
Even more interesting..I was told I was a final candidate in the Aristada expansion and would be interviewing in the next week or so-with a start date pushed back until mid Dec.
I had to call P1 myself. No one has reached out and or sent emails. What a shit show.

  • Blue52   Nov 15, 2018 at 10:41: PM
Ok. So. What is your problem (mean trolls).
Unless you have direct contact with what’s going on-live your pathetic life elsewhere.
I have spoken direct with P1.
Yes, the Aristada exapansion is still happening. Maybe a bit scattered on time frame..but it’s still going through.
5461 prob not. But it is what it is. Get over it.

Ok. So. What is your problem (mean trolls).
Unless you have direct contact with what’s going on-live your pathetic life elsewhere.
I have spoken direct with P1.
Yes, the Aristada exapansion is still happening. Maybe a bit scattered on time frame..but it’s still going through.
5461 prob not. But it is what it is. Get over it.
You are correct. More panel interviews took place this week. Good luck all.

You are correct. More panel interviews took place this week. Good luck all.

5461 has slowed down the process, but interviews for the open Aristada expansion is still happening in several timeframes across the country. Hopefully candidates for those positions will know this next wk before T-Day if they are moving onto panel interviews based on what u was told today.