
And forget what I said about amitraz, that was a promeris thing. And I promise, despite my 100+ carton order to a single doc practice i took when my manager was riding with me, we are doing what we can to stop diversion.....no really, it's distribution fault. Yes doc, I will go to that feed store, pet store, cosco, and target right now because you are very important to me and I would never divert to make more money, or even to keep my very at risk job. Just look at eveything we have done for. How is medial university working out? Do you need more free dose pads to fill out?

We do not allow diversion! A single doctor practice can EASILY go through 100 cartons of FL and HG in a quarter. Do the math. You have to remember, we have more than 2% marketshare like Vectra and 5% like Comfortis. You guys are used to taking 5 carton orders. I am used to taking 80-120 carton orders. If you want, go to merial.com under careers. We might have some openings. Come play with the big boys and make some money! It is fun!

We do not allow diversion! A single doctor practice can EASILY go through 100 cartons of FL and HG in a quarter. Do the math. You have to remember, we have more than 2% marketshare like Vectra and 5% like Comfortis. You guys are used to taking 5 carton orders. I am used to taking 80-120 carton orders. If you want, go to merial.com under careers. We might have some openings. Come play with the big boys and make some money! It is fun!

Lmao! One doc, nope. Two doc, nope. Maybe 6+ docs. And from the looks of things on the reports, you are not getting those orders this quarter, even to many 10 doc practices. Heck, you didn't get many of those during the spring promo, except to the known diverters. Unless someone was willing to completely forsake job security, they wouldn't dare take a job with merial. You guys will take over the "mercked" expression and it will soon be "merialed" Good luck pretty lady.

shawn, you aren't much better. does your wife know where you have been during all of the sales meetings?

hopefully he stopped penetrating employees now that he is in upper management with an "ethical" company bc it was only okay when he was in middle management with an unethical company

once a dog always a dog... just like once a diverter always a diverter

i wonder if track and trace was really installed so that no one could consistently divert it to PME except for upper management to ensure the kickbacks go to the right people hmmmmm interesting thought

I think we have had 34 go to elanco. good ridance. Things are greta here right now. elanco will have its own problems as they grow like all of us. bayer is in the worst shape right now.

Why don't you make that 35 and get the hell out? Bet you count how many inches (short) your dick is, too. Problem is, YOU will end up at some company that thinks you are some kind of door prize...all the while spreading your toxin all over your coworkers....while you are trolling CP ditzing everybody and everything.

Loser...go back to the rock you crawled out from under!!!!