Exit Strategy


As long as 1 person is asymptomatic or 1 person has COVID-19 the potential of spreading the virus to others exists.

How does the US come out of this?

Have things gone too far?

People need to go back to work within the next couple weeks. That's my opinion.

The IL-6 drugs are showing effective in helping people with the worst lung issues- where they don't need a ventilator. They are doing some trials now with them. If this continues to pan out and in addition to the anti viral from the Jap company- I can see the US just saying go back to normal. If you get it you see a dr. you get the anti viral like tamaflu for normal flu. If you are in the 15% that gets really sick you get one of the IL-6. If you dont respond you die but people die from stuff everyday. That would get it to acceptable levels where our health system isn't over taxed.

Trump then cuts a deal with the IL-6 companies to look like he stuck it to pharma while the rest of the world pays full price or decides who lives and dies. Hard to even get a biologic of any kind in Europe- lots of hurdles and generic to try so who knows how they handle it- and who cares. But I agree our economy will force us to go back to "normal" soon. The flattening of the curve would have to go on until a vaccine is approved and that is at least a year.

The IL-6 drugs are showing effective in helping people with the worst lung issues- where they don't need a ventilator. They are doing some trials now with them. If this continues to pan out and in addition to the anti viral from the Jap company- I can see the US just saying go back to normal. If you get it you see a dr. you get the anti viral like tamaflu for normal flu. If you are in the 15% that gets really sick you get one of the IL-6. If you dont respond you die but people die from stuff everyday. That would get it to acceptable levels where our health system isn't over taxed.

Trump then cuts a deal with the IL-6 companies to look like he stuck it to pharma while the rest of the world pays full price or decides who lives and dies. Hard to even get a biologic of any kind in Europe- lots of hurdles and generic to try so who knows how they handle it- and who cares. But I agree our economy will force us to go back to "normal" soon. The flattening of the curve would have to go on until a vaccine is approved and that is at least a year.

Hospitalization for 15-20% of people with COVID-19 is the concern. How accurate is that percentage?

Flatten out the bell curve, develop a vaccine, and pay people not to work was the response.

We built the infrastructure required to accommodate those with other life threatening diseases. Should we be building the required infrastructure to deal with these types of pandemics?

Will these types of pandemics become more or less common?

What is the probability that a more deadly virus will surface in the future?

We need more infrastructure to handle these types of situations.

Hospitalization for 15-20% of people with COVID-19 is the concern. How accurate is that percentage?

Flatten out the bell curve, develop a vaccine, and pay people not to work was the response.

We built the infrastructure required to accommodate those with other life threatening diseases. Should we be building the required infrastructure to deal with these types of pandemics?

Will these types of pandemics become more or less common?

What is the probability that a more deadly virus will surface in the future?

We need more infrastructure to handle these types of situations.

That 15-20% is high even for China. And so far in the USA its under 1% requiring hospitalization.

I know what this 100% proves what we don't need or want. Is "Medicare for all" that would limit the number of Dr.'s and services. All of the European nations are going to get hammered by this because they don't have enough respirators- USA has more of them per person that any country 3 fold.