Exit interview

I resigned a few months ago and was not given an opportunity for an exit interview. One option would be for you to call HR. I know of a few representatives who resigned who had done just that. In one case, HR did listen and investigated the situation.

HR complaints go straight to the circular file in the corner lol. RM's always provide cover for their DM's no matter what. HR may do an investigation but once your gone, your gone, case closed even if your manager was an axe murderer.

HR is not there to help the reps. They always side with management unless you something in writing from a manager that 100% proves a violation. But even then they'll do everything in their power to protect management.
HR looks at reps as liars and scum that are lazy and cheat the company. That's just how they perceive reps.
If I were you I'd send an email to Jerry Lynch and blast a copy to your DM & anyone else you think should see it.

HR is not there to help the reps. They always side with management unless you something in writing from a manager that 100% proves a violation. But even then they'll do everything in their power to protect management.
HR looks at reps as liars and scum that are lazy and cheat the company. That's just how they perceive reps.
If I were you I'd send an email to Jerry Lynch and blast a copy to your DM & anyone else you think should see it.
Well, you are a liar, lazy and scum! It's a true story !