Exelon Patch Goes Generic


High dose generic too. Two lower strengths go generic next Feb now the high dose goes. At least we have Tekturna.

Actavis Confirms Generic Exelon Patch Patent Challenge; Innopharma Debuts Generic Vistide in USA
Actavis (formerly trading as Watson) filed an amendment to its abbreviated new drug application (ANDA) for rivastigmine transdermal system to include the 13.3mg per 24 hours dosage strength. The company’s ANDA product is a generic version of Novartis’ Exelon Patch, a prescription medicine used to treat people with mild-to-moderate dementia associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) or Parkinson’s disease. Earlier, the company had filed an ANDA with the US Food and Drug Administration requesting the approval to market the rivastigmine transdermal system patch 4.6mg/24 hr and 9.5mg/24 hr. Further, on March 7, 2013, Novartis filed a suit against Watson in the US District Court for the District of Delaware requesting to prevent Actavis from commercializing its 13.3mg/ 24-hour strength product prior to the expiration of certain US patents.
The Pharma Letter, © 2013 thepharmaletter.com March 09, 2013


Lol, wrong. But hey it's a message board so post any BS you want.

LoL, wrong again. But hey this is a message board so the know it all's keep posting.

When Will Generic Exelon Patches or Solution Be Available?
The first patent for Exelon patches expired in August 2012. However, generic versions are not yet available. This strongly suggests that other patents or exclusivity rights are still providing significant protection against generic competition. The next patent set to expire will do so in February 2014. This is the earliest predictable date that a generic version of the drug could become available.
However, other circumstances could come up to extend or shorten the exclusivity period. This could include such things as other patents for specific Exelon uses or lawsuits.
It is difficult to predict exactly when generic Exelon solution will become available. Since it is covered by the same patents as Exelon capsules, which are already available in generic form, it appears that there is nothing stopping generic manufacturers from making generic Exelon solution.

LoL, wrong again. But hey this is a message board so the know it all's keep posting.

When Will Generic Exelon Patches or Solution Be Available?
The first patent for Exelon patches expired in August 2012. However, generic versions are not yet available. This strongly suggests that other patents or exclusivity rights are still providing significant protection against generic competition. The next patent set to expire will do so in February 2014. This is the earliest predictable date that a generic version of the drug could become available.
However, other circumstances could come up to extend or shorten the exclusivity period. This could include such things as other patents for specific Exelon uses or lawsuits.
It is difficult to predict exactly when generic Exelon solution will become available. Since it is covered by the same patents as Exelon capsules, which are already available in generic form, it appears that there is nothing stopping generic manufacturers from making generic Exelon solution.

REMEMBER LOTREL!!! Will happen again
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My husband's last refill was the generic. Has anyone used it yet & had any problems with the adhesive not working well? My husband's came off after showering but we did not find it on the bathroom floor for several hours when I went back in the bathroom & saw a silver circle on the floor & that was it. This NEVER happened with Exelon name brand. Just curious as this is unacceptable.

Big Pharma has a well thumbed thru , dog eared play book for generics...it starts with a boat load of cash and patent lawyers who know every trick, I mean legal tactic to draw out the last drop of profit...sue the generic makers, check. All of a sudden have new indication potential, that needs a multiyear study, check! wait for it, the classic Hail Mary play..Pediatric Indication application, anybody? and finally the extended release version with a whimpering combo product (adding aspirin always makes it better) to bridge to the next big release.

The person posting on Oct 19 2015, said the adhesive on the generic for Exelon didn't work. I just got my dad's first prescription of the generic and at 10% of the price of Exelon ($17 vs $175 after Part D), I'd be willing to buy slightly larger Bandaids to cover the patch with a small portion of the cost savings. I'll find out tonight how the adhesive works (or tomorrow morning when he takes his bath).

My wife switched to the generic about 2 months ago after 6 years on Exelon with great success and marked improvement. Yes the generic falls off so we took care that it did not. BUT, it is NOT working. Her memory has failed markedly since she started using it. All her family notices the sudden loss and we are disgusted with the junk that she is being forced to use now. I don't care how little one pays, since the cost is totally out of sight when the performance is nil. We're just starting efforts to get back to something that works. We use generics for all other medications, but this one is an abject failure. The real rip-off artists are the ones providing useless meds at any price.

My husband's last refill was the generic. Has anyone used it yet & had any problems with the adhesive not working well? My husband's came off after showering but we did not find it on the bathroom floor for several hours when I went back in the bathroom & saw a silver circle on the floor & that was it. This NEVER happened with Exelon name brand. Just curious as this is unacceptable.

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