Consider this a warning to all the Executive DCS reps. I'm a HQ insider, wanting to share with everyone some of AA's thoughts on the recent expansion. Although everyone is please with how well Novo is performing, especially the stock price, there is one item that is being discussed at HQ that is startling. That is, how to get rid of the dead weight at this company aka executive dcs base salaries. They are not talking about all of them, just the unproductive one's. They are also specifically looking at those that are primary on Victoza. Victoza is not meeting overall expectations and they have noticed a trend with those executive dcs reps that carry it and horrible performance. The recent hiring blitz had opened AA's eyes, among others, as to what Novo could get for much cheaper. These newbies are experienced in diabetes, they are hungry, and more importantly, they are cheaper to hire. Times will continue to be good at Novo, there are no plans for head count reduction; just a weeding out of dead weight and replacing them with experienced, hungry, cheaper reps that want to be here. It's not to late for you Victoza leads, you can still turn around your business, but you are on borrowed time. You all have been warned.