Excited About POA!


I'm excited for next week! I have been practicing my Vyvanse role play for the past few months so I'm completely prepared. "Dr. Smith, do you have any Vyvanse coupons?"

This will be "the Most Important POA" in Shire's history. Is everybody with me? Lets show this new company what Shire is made of.

I'm so excited about the new company I'll think I'll puke! I will be the first to jump up from my seat to role play! Now don't you guys dare to beat me to the punch! Just kidding my new company friends!!!! I suggest at some point during the meeting, let's all hold hands in a circle and began to chant, "Number One! Number One"!! WOW! I'm covered in goose bumps!

Fired up to travel to Chicago for 4 days in the middle of the summer to learn about "body language". Should be a blast! Also, so nice of KK to allow us to leave early on FRIDAY. Even though we won't get home til late Friday night, I'm sure the week will be filled with inspiration & motivation that will make up for it!

If anyone gives a standing ovation to any of this lame-duck Sr leadership I will personally tackle your ass. Remember, they're safe with their retention bonuses and we are not. This is not the Harry & Gary days anymore, sit down and listen like your life depends on it, because it does.

I typically go to the bathroom to take a shit right after breakfast and before the general session. Once I read the entire USA Today, Wall Street Journal and a few local papers, I appear just before lunch. Go to lunch then complain to my manager that my stomach hurts from all the great lunch sandwich meats that have been sitting out for hours. I then go back to my room and order a 24 hour porn and take a nap. I get up for the company group dinners, take a concerta (works better than Vyvanse) and party till the bar closes.

Repeat the above for number of days in the meeting. Good times.

I cannot wait either! I hear KK is sending emails directly to the managers telling them how to setup their breakouts who to call on and what great flip chart skills look like. You even have to raise your hand ask ask pretty please to go to the potty! The best part is whne we get to do circle time our manager will yell out criss cross apple sauce and we all run to the middle of the room in a big circle and listen to our fearless leader tell us how to sell

I thought they would have cancelled this meeting. 4 days to talk about a product that has been out since 2007… are you kidding! What a waste of time and resources. Put your smiley face on and practice your enthusiastic claps. :)

I thought they would have cancelled this meeting. 4 days to talk about a product that has been out since 2007… are you kidding! What a waste of time and resources. Put your smiley face on and practice your enthusiastic claps. :)

I practiced my standing ovation claps all night. I'm ready! This will be the BIGGEST Back to School in Shire's history!!!