They had an exception run last night, some reps got more calls, to be done by the end of the month!
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Nov 10, 2011 at 01:53: PM #1 Anonymous Guest They had an exception run last night, some reps got more calls, to be done by the end of the month!
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Nov 10, 2011 at 03:53: PM #2 Anonymous Guest Anonymous said: They had an exception run last night, some reps got more calls, to be done by the end of the month! Click to expand... That is truly fucking fascinationg! Thanks for that amazing input asshole.!
Anonymous said: They had an exception run last night, some reps got more calls, to be done by the end of the month! Click to expand... That is truly fucking fascinationg! Thanks for that amazing input asshole.!