Exagen lupus test


What have you guys heard of this company. Are we really doing a pilot program with them selling this lupus test. Feedback I have read on them online is that it is a crap test. Hope we dump this dog fast!!!

The dog has gasped his last gasp and has turned purple in response. It's just a matter of time before the corresponding member becomes flaccid, turns purple and drops off. What a way to go! It's worse than having a live organism!

Believe the above poster was trying to say that the worm had turned. You know, when it gets hard and then crooks to the left? Sometimes the worm sniffles and snorts but generally gets back on track. Never underestimate a worm while it's turning and NEVER try to reverse its direction before the turn is complete. That will invalidate the turning worm warranty and require that you purchase a new one.

Believe the above poster was trying to say that the worm had turned. You know, when it gets hard and then crooks to the left? Sometimes the worm sniffles and snorts but generally gets back on track. Never underestimate a worm while it's turning and NEVER try to reverse its direction before the turn is complete. That will invalidate the turning worm warranty and require that you purchase a new one.

This is the same douchebag that posts ridiculous crap to get people off the real issue. He's probably one of the old timers from corporate....came over from Pharmacia that needs to save their job

Wasn't just about everyone from the former Phadia organization canned? Heard that Thermo was going to start anew with no left-over folks from the old days of Pharmacia.

Then, again, no one has been able to answer the age old question . . . . . . . "Is it allergy, a cold or just a false herniated parastaltic herniated defiant wild hair? So it goes.