Ex Praluenters “radioactive, unhireable”

majority of them placed within 2 months and during covid & not just with esperion...their talent was undeniable. They laughed all the way to the bank with the severence and sale of their stock options. So go suck it douche.

So then why so many hired by Dupixent. You can take your foot out of your mouth now or something else. I moved over to Dupixent and it's a cakewalk compare to selling Praluent . I don't deny there was some bad reps like anywhere else but your dead wrong in your analogy. It was great to see actual marketing, TV ad campaigns, good bonus plan. Praluent was the most difficult product I was ever associated with.

Esperion, and now Novartis for their CV drug along with GSK and Aurinia for the Immunogly-Lupus drugs. Horizon, Alexion and Biogen for rare disease.
Everyone is going to find something!

Congrats to the people who do UK and something. Selling Praluent was the most difficult drug I ever sold . Outrageous high price, patent issues from Lens Scientists stealing intellectual property, zero tv ad campaign, a HUB that was like watching DUMB AND DUMBER, LACK OF RESOURCES, LACK OF SAMPLES, SANOFI'S PITIFUL PC SALESFORCE THAT DID ABOUT AS MUCH GOOD AS PANTYHOSE FOR FINGER FUXKING. LETS NOT FORGET THE PITIFUL MEETINGS, THE LACK MANAGEMENT COMMITTMENT , LACK OF TRANSPARENCY BETWEEN SANOFI AND REGENERON. LETS NOT FORGET HOW REGENERON CUT LUNCH AND SAMPLE BUDGETS AND WE RELIED ON SANOFI TO MAKE UP THE DIFFERENCE. AND TO MAKE MATTERS WORST 4TH QUARTER NUMBERS AND 1ST QUARTER NUMBERS FOR PRALUENT BROKE SALES RECORDS AND HAD GAINED SIGNIFIGANT SHARE FROM AMGEN. Len and Sanofi are quitters. Len has no clue on how to market. His thing is talking on stock shows and blowing his own horn about how brilliant he is.

Congrats to the people who do UK and something. Selling Praluent was the most difficult drug I ever sold . Outrageous high price, patent issues from Lens Scientists stealing intellectual property, zero tv ad campaign, a HUB that was like watching DUMB AND DUMBER, LACK OF RESOURCES, LACK OF SAMPLES, SANOFI'S PITIFUL PC SALESFORCE THAT DID ABOUT AS MUCH GOOD AS PANTYHOSE FOR FINGER FUXKING. LETS NOT FORGET THE PITIFUL MEETINGS, THE LACK MANAGEMENT COMMITTMENT , LACK OF TRANSPARENCY BETWEEN SANOFI AND REGENERON. LETS NOT FORGET HOW REGENERON CUT LUNCH AND SAMPLE BUDGETS AND WE RELIED ON SANOFI TO MAKE UP THE DIFFERENCE. AND TO MAKE MATTERS WORST 4TH QUARTER NUMBERS AND 1ST QUARTER NUMBERS FOR PRALUENT BROKE SALES RECORDS AND HAD GAINED SIGNIFIGANT SHARE FROM AMGEN. Len and Sanofi are quitters. Len has no clue on how to market. His thing is talking on stock shows and blowing his own horn about how brilliant he is.
The mistake was partnering with Sanofi. Has to be top three worst in pharma. At least on the Diabetes/CV side. Incompetent upper management that just took care of each other and didn't give two sh**ts about the reps and ran that division into the ground. Now those same managers are at other companies wreaking the same havoc.