Ex-Lion, Alex Karrass dies


Remember him?

4 time all-pro defensive tackle for the DEtroit Lions turned hollyweird actor?

Karrass was one of those who joined the head-injury lawsuit by former players against the NFL. I guess the NFL didn't advise them that 250 pound men smashing their helmets together could result in brain injuries. heh. Apparently Karrass suffered from dementia - a common disease as people get old. His wife said that Alex couldn't remember parts of his favorite Italian and Greek recipes. I wonder if he could remember his lawyer's name and the way to get to the courthouse?

The report said he died of kidney failure. I wonder if that was caused by his dementia?

I wonder how many ex-NFL football players with 'brain injuries' took steroids back in the day? Not saying that Karrass did. But just wonder how many? And I wonder if steroids can cause 'brain injuries', not to mention a host of other life debilitating diseases? I'm surprised that there hasn't been a lawsuit filed against the NFL by players who took steroids too.

Even with these new safety helmets worn by college and pro players - watch how many players get their bells rung every game and have to be escorted off the field.

How about this for a concept? If you don't want to hurt your heads don't play football.

RIP Alex.

Remember him?

4 time all-pro defensive tackle for the DEtroit Lions turned hollyweird actor?

Karrass was one of those who joined the head-injury lawsuit by former players against the NFL. I guess the NFL didn't advise them that 250 pound men smashing their helmets together could result in brain injuries. heh. Apparently Karrass suffered from dementia - a common disease as people get old. His wife said that Alex couldn't remember parts of his favorite Italian and Greek recipes. I wonder if he could remember his lawyer's name and the way to get to the courthouse?

The report said he died of kidney failure. I wonder if that was caused by his dementia?

I wonder how many ex-NFL football players with 'brain injuries' took steroids back in the day? Not saying that Karrass did. But just wonder how many? And I wonder if steroids can cause 'brain injuries', not to mention a host of other life debilitating diseases? I'm surprised that there hasn't been a lawsuit filed against the NFL by players who took steroids too.

Even with these new safety helmets worn by college and pro players - watch how many players get their bells rung every game and have to be escorted off the field.

How about this for a concept? If you don't want to hurt your heads don't play football.

RIP Alex.

He should be in the HOF. The helmets he wore were shit, and Rozelle hated him. He was the charter member of the original Fearsome Foursome. Night Train could name them, because he played behind them. I agree. R.I.P. Alex.

He should be in the HOF. The helmets he wore were shit, and Rozelle hated him. He was the charter member of the original Fearsome Foursome. Night Train could name them, because he played behind them. I agree. R.I.P. Alex.

Football's a game, if played right, is hard on heads. Always has been. Always should be. That's the risk you take when you put on the uniform. Blaming someone else after you start having headaches or can't remember your own birthday is really stupid. Watch the college and pro games over the weekend. At least one player each game is helped off the field after getting his bell rung. And that's with the new safety gear. Sorry, it's a rough game. If they value their heads more than the game it's an easy answer: Don't play.

Those old players were some tough bastards. But the athletes they produce today would eat them up.....except maybe for Butkus.

He should be in the HOF. The helmets he wore were shit, and Rozelle hated him. He was the charter member of the original Fearsome Foursome. Night Train could name them, because he played behind them. I agree. R.I.P. Alex.

Yes Night Train Lane and Alex were teammates and they should both be in the hall.

I remember the turkey day special in Detroit when the Lions behind these two destroyed Bart Starr and the previously unbeaten 13-0 Packers.

Football's a game, if played right, is hard on heads. Always has been. Always should be. That's the risk you take when you put on the uniform. Blaming someone else after you start having headaches or can't remember your own birthday is really stupid. Watch the college and pro games over the weekend. At least one player each game is helped off the field after getting his bell rung. And that's with the new safety gear. Sorry, it's a rough game. If they value their heads more than the game it's an easy answer: Don't play.

Those old players were some tough bastards. But the athletes they produce today would eat them up.....except maybe for Butkus.

Karras was pulling down a cool 9 thousand per year while having his brains scrambled.

These guys worked at real jobs during the off season. I remember the Browns star d back, Ross Fichtner, was electrocuted while working at the local utility company in the off season. Came only months before Ernie Davis died from leukemia.

He should be in the HOF. The helmets he wore were shit, and Rozelle hated him. He was the charter member of the original Fearsome Foursome. Night Train could name them, because he played behind them. I agree. R.I.P. Alex.

BTW, long time Steeler d coordinator, Dick LeBeau played on that team as well. The foursome you mention included Karras, Darris McCord and Roger Brown. I can't remember the 4th...definitely slipping in my old age.

The middle linbacker was Joe Schmitt, who was as mean a SOB as thet came. Only Butkus, Sam Huff, and Chuck Bednaric could hold Joe's jock back in those days.

BTW, long time Steeler d coordinator, Dick LeBeau played on that team as well. The foursome you mention included Karras, Darris McCord and Roger Brown. I can't remember the 4th...definitely slipping in my old age.

The middle linbacker was Joe Schmitt, who was as mean a SOB as thet came. Only Butkus, Sam Huff, and Chuck Bednaric could hold Joe's jock back in those days.

The real fearsome foursome: Lamar Lundy, Rosey Grier, Merlin Olsen and Deacon Jones - played for the Rams. Karras and his 3 sidekicks couldn't hold a candle to those boys. Deacon could catch halfbacks from behind on end sweeps. He'd run them down before they reached the line of scrimmage.

But I've never seen a man who could hit as hard as Butkus other than Jack Tatum. Tatum was like a missile on the football field. Much faster and more agile than Butkus. I've seen him demolish running backs and receivers. Pure raw anger unleashed. He must have had one wicked childhood to be that damn mean and angry. Without football my guess is that he would have ended up at Corcoran State.

Remember him?

4 time all-pro defensive tackle for the DEtroit Lions turned hollyweird actor?

Karrass was one of those who joined the head-injury lawsuit by former players against the NFL. I guess the NFL didn't advise them that 250 pound men smashing their helmets together could result in brain injuries. heh. Apparently Karrass suffered from dementia - a common disease as people get old. His wife said that Alex couldn't remember parts of his favorite Italian and Greek recipes. I wonder if he could remember his lawyer's name and the way to get to the courthouse?

The report said he died of kidney failure. I wonder if that was caused by his dementia?

I wonder how many ex-NFL football players with 'brain injuries' took steroids back in the day? Not saying that Karrass did. But just wonder how many? And I wonder if steroids can cause 'brain injuries', not to mention a host of other life debilitating diseases? I'm surprised that there hasn't been a lawsuit filed against the NFL by players who took steroids too.

Even with these new safety helmets worn by college and pro players - watch how many players get their bells rung every game and have to be escorted off the field.

How about this for a concept? If you don't want to hurt your heads don't play football.

RIP Alex.
What the fuck is your problem?

He is right. You don't want head injuries, don't play. Former players suing the NFL for head injuries is no different than smokers suing when they develop lung cancer or emphysema.

He is right. You don't want head injuries, don't play.

Of course I'm right.

The rule makers are turning football players into pussies. Look at all the new rules popping up both in college and the pros. I've seen players called for 'spearing' penalties and headshots (personal fouls) that were PERFECTLY LEGITIMATE HITS that swung the momentum of the game into the direction of the opposing team and decided the victory.

That's bullshit.

If you don't want to play football the way the game was designed - then go play baseball or basketball.

If you are afraid of a good headshot - don't put on a friggin' helmet. Don't run to a lawyer afterwards and complain that your head hurts.

What's the next rule? A linebacker or a defensive back can't make contact with a wide receiver after his feet have left the ground in an attempt to catch the football??? :D


BTW, long time Steeler d coordinator, Dick LeBeau played on that team as well. The foursome you mention included Karras, Darris McCord and Roger Brown. I can't remember the 4th...definitely slipping in my old age.

The middle linbacker was Joe Schmitt, who was as mean a SOB as thet came. Only Butkus, Sam Huff, and Chuck Bednaric could hold Joe's jock back in those days.

Sam Williams was the other DL on the Original FF. Roger Brown is the only one to play on both Fearsome Foursomes (the Rams had Merlin Olsen, Deacon Jones, Rosey Greer, and Brown). Schmidt was a little before my time, but you are right, they were all fucked in the ass by the owners.

Sam Williams was the other DL on the Original FF. Roger Brown is the only one to play on both Fearsome Foursomes (the Rams had Merlin Olsen, Deacon Jones, Rosey Greer, and Brown). Schmidt was a little before my time, but you are right, they were all fucked in the ass by the owners.

Lamar Lundy was the other original RAM Fearsome 4some. I have no idea when Roger Brown played for them.