EWHU Revolving Door


Can anybody else count the turnover that has been in Upper MGMT over the years.

My point here is that instability breeds instability.

(Can't think of her name) then Bridgete

Vice Presidents:

Woody, Mahar, Adrian


Bruno, Henderson, Callan (filled in a while), C4, that one lady that came over from Indigo, the mexican dude out west,


too many to count


Way too Many to count

Jason Hernandez (DM in Chicago) resigned 2 weeks ago, and Paul Dixon (DM in Michigan) just announced his resignation yesterday. Steve Barendese (one of the DMs from Texas) just resigned last month and the list goes on......

More EWHU DMs will be leaving soon because they know their time is up. With the new reorganization, there will only be one manager per division. Those managers that will be chosen are those that have more years experience from EES and Ethicon, Inc - maybe there will only be a few chosen nationwide from EWHU.