EW HVT/ CSS Middle Manager Corruption


The biggest problem with working for EW is the fact that there is no accountability for regional managers. They can operate with BLATANT deceit, threats and blame for years, and easily get away with it.
There is no help in HR so don't waste your time. I sent in documents to HR with outrageous managerial behaviors and they were swept under the rug. It is a liberal company with corrupt behaviors. And don't ever be honest on your employee engagement surveys, managers have ways to see them and will retaliate. My manager confronted me!! What a corrupt place to work.
There is no open door policy!
These few managers, not all, at CSS and HVT are more interested in taking cover and assigning blame to the reps than standing behind you to win. They cleaned house from the Cardiovation corruption but left some in power to malign the loyal reps. HVT has a few that can get away with placing lost business on the reps because they couldn't support them in the first place to do anything productive! I thought buying heartport was to grow the business not grow corruption!