
The only reps volunteering for the new electric cars will be the ones that don’t work. We drive too many miles all week to continually stop and recharge. They’re probably floating this idea and see who bites and then you’re on a new watch list. No thanks


I think bringing Hybrids on the order form should be seriously looked at….saves gas. I couldn’t interrupt my day waiting for my EV to charge! Does BI pay for a charger at home?

I think bringing Hybrids on the order form should be seriously looked at….saves gas. I couldn’t interrupt my day waiting for my EV to charge! Does BI pay for a charger at home?
I'm sure that BI has to supply the home charger....why would anyone do it otherwise? Not sure how much they are but I'm not spending my own electricity for a work car.

I'm sure that BI has to supply the home charger....why would anyone do it otherwise? Not sure how much they are but I'm not spending my own electricity for a work car.
There are home chargers that are relatively cheap but may need appropriate wiring. I know other pharma companies pay for the set up. There wasn’t anything in the initial email about hook up or electricity reimbursement.

An EV would really be best situated for Urban and smaller suburban territories, esp those who can have a charger installed.

The chargers are connected to the Internet to monitor how much electricity was used to recharge the vehicle. Electricity kW rates are known for your area and would be reimbursed based on this.

It's all automatic and fair. Dave the company money. Good for the environment and future generations (if you have kids).

EV’s are great in theory, but in reality, there are many issues. Mainly the infrastructure required to support and ‘refuel’ the car. How many managers are gonna be happy when a rep is spending an hour+ driving out of their way to find and charger and then sit and charge? Not an ideal situation.

An AZ reps house just burnt down from the mandatory EV car in the garage catching fire. Loved my highlander hybrid. Hy rid is the only way to go with a larger sales geography of multiple states. The batteries get crushed in cold weather too. Really impractical.

An EV best for:
1) people who have "small" territories, say <100-125 total daily miles driven.
2) have a residence (home, condo/townhouse, rental) where a charger can be installed
3) wifi signal can reach the EV Charger to track the kWh used to recharge, to reimburse the rep for elec usage. The charger will be communicating with a 3rd party company on elec consumption, so rep gets reimburse used appropriately for elec used.
4) a rep can choose to still go elec and use public chargers; awfully inconvenient, but the company may allow IF the total daily miles would be covered by a full charge.

Mutli-State territory where you are putting on >=150miles/day, an EV not for you.