Everyone's a Director


What's up with there being so many directors at PPK? What do they do? The majority of them have no direct reports, lack focus, have no skills in their area of the business, and have produced nothing of value. Those that are capable basically do the work of those who would be a manager at other pharma companies. Can someone explain this to me?


What's up with there being so many directors at PPK? What do they do? The majority of them have no direct reports, lack focus, have no skills in their area of the business, and have produced nothing of value. Those that are capable basically do the work of those who would be a manager at other pharma companies. Can someone explain this to me?

What's up with there being so many directors at PPK? What do they do? The majority of them have no direct reports, lack focus, have no skills in their area of the business, and have produced nothing of value. Those that are capable basically do the work of those who would be a manager at other pharma companies. Can someone explain this to me?
3 reasons: Stupidity + Favoritism + Optics

McKinsey came in and told BMS how to reorg/layoff/restructure with only a fraction of a solid plan. BMS blindly followed the plan without thinking. They laid off all ADs who were capable doing the work and instead promoted/hired Director-levels to do the same job + lots more (since they laid off more than they should have to cost cut). In this promotion/hire process, the "leaders" in place only promoted or hired their favorites (ass-kissers) and the majority of these people are NOT capable to do what's being asked of them. So lots of initiatives are being driven into the ground or have come to a screeching halt b/c of ineptitude.

Our group was told verbatim that our AD titles were being dissolved and converted into Director titles "so that the rest of the org would take our role more seriously and we would be respected when 'at the table' with other commercial leaders". That was the only reason.....optics.

3 reasons: Stupidity + Favoritism + Optics

McKinsey came in and told BMS how to reorg/layoff/restructure with only a fraction of a solid plan. BMS blindly followed the plan without thinking. They laid off all ADs who were capable doing the work and instead promoted/hired Director-levels to do the same job + lots more (since they laid off more than they should have to cost cut). In this promotion/hire process, the "leaders" in place only promoted or hired their favorites (ass-kissers) and the majority of these people are NOT capable to do what's being asked of them. So lots of initiatives are being driven into the ground or have come to a screeching halt b/c of ineptitude.

Our group was told verbatim that our AD titles were being dissolved and converted into Director titles "so that the rest of the org would take our role more seriously and we would be respected when 'at the table' with other commercial leaders". That was the only reason.....optics.
Favoritism + Stupidity + Optics is playing out at BMS at higher level and laid off good for nothing senior managers/ ADs being rehired/ promoted to ADs/ Directors! On the other hand actual impact of layoffs/ hiring freeze is happening on lower levels where the work actually gets done. The stupid leadership team may see this as brilliant cost saving exercise but the rest can see the lack of rationale in these so called restructuring moves where useless are retained. Hence despite encouraging news from the clinical trials, BMS share refuses to budge upwards. The company is doomed with the current leadership team. Clean up required at the top and without that there is no hope of a turn around for this massive shit hole!

What's up with there being so many directors at PPK? What do they do? The majority of them have no direct reports, lack focus, have no skills in their area of the business, and have produced nothing of value. Those that are capable basically do the work of those who would be a manager at other pharma companies. Can someone explain this to me?
That’s because of the GENE

Favoritism + Stupidity + Optics is playing out at BMS at higher level and laid off good for nothing senior managers/ ADs being rehired/ promoted to ADs/ Directors! On the other hand actual impact of layoffs/ hiring freeze is happening on lower levels where the work actually gets done. The stupid leadership team may see this as brilliant cost saving exercise but the rest can see the lack of rationale in these so called restructuring moves where useless are retained. Hence despite encouraging news from the clinical trials, BMS share refuses to budge upwards. The company is doomed with the current leadership team. Clean up required at the top and without that there is no hope of a turn around for this massive shit hole!
BMS culture centers around the belief that the actual work somehow magically happens, but in reality everything is falling apart. Most are too stupid to see the wreckage.

BMS culture centers around the belief that the actual work somehow magically happens, but in reality everything is falling apart. Most are too stupid to see the wreckage.

. Is it really concerning, so many are in roles that can’t do, unqualified to do, or untrained to do. Because of this—— they do the bare minimum and wait for their next undeserved promotion. Which they surely gist from their bestie who by the way, can’t do their job either. McKenzie will prove to be the downfall of BMS.