Everyone who posts on here is a pussy


I was alerted to the fact that my name was brought up on this site the other day. Someone called me "crooked", and that I taught Tyeler how to be crooked as well. Then I see all this other bitching, but you're all pussies. So, this is Paul. Don't believe me? Reach out to me, any of my friends, via social media, etc...I don't give a fuck. Whoever said it, I guarantee you wouldn't to my face. However, the challenge is out there for you to come clean so we can figure out exactly what "crooked" behaviors I was teaching my reps. You're attacking people on here who have had to fight to get the company out of the shadows of 2010 and personally, I think we did a pretty good job. We were showing quarter over quarter growth until the Swiss came in. HRS was our best showing every and we probably owned the spotlight there as well. I've never had more fun than the last year I was there. I don't disagree with what's being said about the Swiss contingent, nor do I care about Lee. If you think he does his job with integrity, good for you. If you're so fucking smart, you should be able to post intelligently about what you wish the company would or wouldn't be doing to make things better and to keep you competitive in the marketplace. Don't like it? Leave. Accusing me of something and hiding behind your computer makes you a low-life piece of shit and everyone who reads this knows I'll be more than happy to set your dumb ass straight. This is exactly how LW dismissed me...with vague reason and not even a question asked as to my culpability to something I supposedly did. I view all of them as cowards for it, as I do all of you who post on here. So, let's see who stands up now and says what they want to say without hiding. You're all a bunch of cowards and if you know me well enough, you know this is exactly the type of thing I would do. Put myself out there and let's see if you can stand in the same place as me. Few, if any, could. Bunch of cowardly pussies.