Everyone please stand back

I Love America

this is going to be a bloody mess. Rabby apparently doesn't think comedians count when it comes to vitriolic behavior (he loves movin those goal posts). I wonder what Rabby thinks of this comment from an establishment democrat elected to Congress.


Since Rabby will be too afraid to click the link, allow me to post the quote from Congressman Kanjorski.

"That Scott down there that's running for governor of Florida," Mr. Kanjorski said. "Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him. Put him against the wall and shoot him."

Now we all know how Rabby will handle this most recent bitch slapping. He will say "Well,nobody actually put him up against a wall and shot him so this doesn't count"

Now, you will have to excuse me. I have to go ice my hand. It hurts from leaving such a huge hand print on Rabby's pock marked face. I hit him so hard I busted open his pimples.

I think its God awful and if some crazy and deranged person was to carry that out, I would lay this at his feet. Look how long it took you fuckers to find one.

Now, as you were saying? Are you willing to do the same for all the other elected GOP officials using the same violent language and imagery towards their opponents and others whom they have political disagreements with?



Other than violent vitriol, Scott IS a crook repsonsible for stealing from the govt for personal gain.

The only bitchslapping that occured here was the self-inflicted one you served yourself.


I think its God awful and if some crazy and deranged person was to carry that out, I would lay this at his feet. Look how long it took you fuckers to find one.

Now, as you were saying? Are you willing to do the same for all the other elected GOP officials using the same violent language and imagery towards their opponents and others whom they have political disagreements with?



Other than violent vitriol, Scott IS a crook repsonsible for stealing from the govt for personal gain.

The only bitchslapping that occured here was the self-inflicted one you served yourself.


I accept your apology

I accept your apology

And the ILA disassembling has begun! Even I didnt expect to the be this quick. How embarrasing for you to wish your own thread to disappear.

I guess this didnt quite turn out the way you had hope for, huh?

Your assignment is to post the "apology" your delusion claims I made after you answer my question.


And the ILA disassembling has begun! Even I didnt expect to the be this quick. How embarrasing for you to wish your own thread to disappear.

I guess this didnt quite turn out the way you had hope for, huh?

Your assignment is to post the "apology" your delusion claims I made after you answer my question.


Disassembling? You must be smoking some of your boy Jared's wacky tobaccy. I want this thread to stay right where it is.

You have been exposed. You think you answered the question?

See, personally, I don't have a problem with this kind of rhetoric. I believe in free speech and all that entails. Politics is a contact sport. If you can't handle it, then don't go into it.

You on the other hand "claim" to be very bothered by this kind of rhetoric. When you are shown multiple examples of your side doing much worse, you spin and twist trying to imply that while your side does it, it isn't that bad.

It is sort of like Cockadoodle Who saying that Clintons lies about going to war with Iraq were OK because none of our troops died.

You think this guys words are ok because nobody actually took him up on it.

Well, using your standard, find me a person who actually said "Line Giffords up and shoot her".

Ready! Go!

"That Scott down there that's running for governor of Florida," Mr. Kanjorski said. "Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him. Put him against the wall and shoot him."

Now we all know how Rabby will handle this most recent bitch slapping. He will say "Well,nobody actually put him up against a wall and shot him so this doesn't count"

Nah...He/she will just accuse you of being a liar.

Disassembling? You must be smoking some of your boy Jared's wacky tobaccy. I want this thread to stay right where it is.

You have been exposed. You think you answered the question?

See, personally, I don't have a problem with this kind of rhetoric. I believe in free speech and all that entails. Politics is a contact sport. If you can't handle it, then don't go into it.

You on the other hand "claim" to be very bothered by this kind of rhetoric. When you are shown multiple examples of your side doing much worse, you spin and twist trying to imply that while your side does it, it isn't that bad.

It is sort of like Cockadoodle Who saying that Clintons lies about going to war with Iraq were OK because none of our troops died.

You think this guys words are ok because nobody actually took him up on it.

Well, using your standard, find me a person who actually said "Line Giffords up and shoot her".

Ready! Go!

Read my response you moron. I stated its awful and I dont support it, and had some deranged person carried it out, I dont have a problem holding him up as an example of reckless talk having consequnces.

You know, the way O'Reilly advancing the notion that gangsta rap hurting america's children.


And they way Obama telling kids to stay in school is "indoctrination".


Being that no one can keep tract of you people and where you're coming from, you let us know when words have consequences and when they dont.

In the meantime, I will watch you walk away in your high heels with the huge run in your hypocrisy stockings.
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This is far from the only example and despite the idiotic excuses, claims the hate speech is fake, trying to discredit one source of many....there isn't a libbie here who will just admit this is politics. In your face, outspoken, sometimes over the top and angry rhetoric because of polarized views. Of course, to admit this is politics as usual would force them to admit their extreme over reaction to anything palin and desperate need to paint conservatives as the extremists. Too bad for them most people aren't that dumb and know the libbies are and always have been the extremists.

This is far from the only example and despite the idiotic excuses, claims the hate speech is fake, trying to discredit one source of many....there isn't a libbie here who will just admit this is politics. In your face, outspoken, sometimes over the top and angry rhetoric because of polarized views. Of course, to admit this is politics as usual would force them to admit their extreme over reaction to anything palin and desperate need to paint conservatives as the extremists. Too bad for them most people aren't that dumb and know the libbies are and always have been the extremists.

Brilliant satire.