Every division safe


Sounds like every division is safe. No lay offs. Spread the word?

Didn't we all just listen to a Town Hall meeting from Merck upper management saying there were additional layoffs. Where are the cuts coming from if they're not from any sales division?

Merck stock?

I know this site is primarily for the US salesforce, but it is striking how you people don't seem to understand the scope of the company you work for. Seriously, Merck has commercial operations with sales forces in all regions of the world, a global manufacturing network, research sites, etc. Why is it so surprising to you people that layoffs could occur and not be exclusively focused on the US sales force?

I know this site is primarily for the US salesforce, but it is striking how you people don't seem to understand the scope of the company you work for. Seriously, Merck has commercial operations with sales forces in all regions of the world, a global manufacturing network, research sites, etc. Why is it so surprising to you people that layoffs could occur and not be exclusively focused on the US sales force?

It was specifically stated at the reorg presntation that the 16000 or so jobs were US only.

They aren't disclosing cuts overseas yet due to local laws regarding disclosure. Maybe next year...

It was specifically stated at the reorg presntation that the 16000 or so jobs were US only.

They aren't disclosing cuts overseas yet due to local laws regarding disclosure. Maybe next year...

I believe the 16000 jobs include US and global; the TIMING of them and specific details won't be finalized until later because of local laws.