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Ever thought of going to pharmacy school or just becoming a certified pharmacy tech?


Has anyone ever thought of going to pharmacy school or just becoming a certified pharmacy tech after getting laid off or before you get to the point that you lose your job as a pharma rep?

Do either of these pay well and are they respected? or would it be a terrible career and financial mistake to go this route?

Do tell!

Re: Ever thought of going to pharmacy school or just becoming a certified pharmacy te

Has anyone ever thought of going to pharmacy school or just becoming a certified pharmacy tech after getting laid off or before you get to the point that you lose your job as a pharma rep?

Do either of these pay well and are they respected? or would it be a terrible career and financial mistake to go this route?

Do tell!

Pharmacists get paid great, pharmacy techs make like $10/hr. Choose wisely

Re: Ever thought of going to pharmacy school or just becoming a certified pharmacy te

Sort of true. Pharmacists are now required to have a doctorate. Techs start at 10 dollars an hour and can go up to 14 dollars. If you work third shift in a hospital and do the overtime, you can make forty or fifty thousand. I know because my good friend runs a pharmacy at a major hospital.

Re: Ever thought of going to pharmacy school or just becoming a certified pharmacy te

Good luck getting a job as a pharmacy tech. One look at your previous pharma salary and you are automatically screened out.

Re: Ever thought of going to pharmacy school or just becoming a certified pharmacy te

Has anyone ever thought of being a pharmacy tech as a second job? Imagine if you work as a rep and then do pharmacy tech stuff on weekends. You could have access to the pharmacist and suggest switches where applicable. It's genius, no?

Re: Ever thought of going to pharmacy school or just becoming a certified pharmacy te

The problem with pharmacy is that so many people have been forced to switch to mail order for drugs treating chronic conditions. The only thing many people are even allowed to get filled locally is something for an acute condition like 7 days of antibiotics or whatever.

You don't just wake up one day and decide to be a pharmacist. If you had a non-science major or a low GPA, you probably won't get into a pharmacy school. Even if you do get in, it is a lot of work and studying to pass classes and even more work to earn your license. If you have kids already, you probably aren't going to have the time to go to pharmacy school. Plus it take three years to finish. How are you going to pay your bills taking three years away from work? Throw in the towel now and stick with what you know.

You don't just wake up one day and decide to be a pharmacist. If you had a non-science major or a low GPA, you probably won't get into a pharmacy school. Even if you do get in, it is a lot of work and studying to pass classes and even more work to earn your license. If you have kids already, you probably aren't going to have the time to go to pharmacy school. Plus it take three years to finish. How are you going to pay your bills taking three years away from work? Throw in the towel now and stick with what you know.

this person gets it...telling it like it is...If I might add, you better be damn good at chemistry if you want to get into pharmacy school, because essentially it should be called chemistry school. That is about 80% of it. And as the above poster points out, if you were non-science or low GPA, forget it buster...

I went to pharmacy school. Then i practiced pharmacy. I switched to veing a drug rep. The salary of a sr exec rep are comparable to a pharmacist.

But a drug rep only works 6 hours a day, gets a company car, no nights or weekends.

I rarely leave my house before 9. Pharmacy sucks. Too much pressure and dealing with assholls. The hours suck.

Sray away.